Wholesale Book Sources

Names and addresses of 500 places to buy hard cover, paperback new & used books. Publishers wholesalers & odd lot dealers who give the small buyer a good price. Start your own profitable book store or mail order business with valuable sources in this book.


Best Item For Mail Order
Books are the best product for mail order profits. The profit margins are high… far better than most products… up to 1,000% profit. Easy to ship, and the post office has a low Book Rate. Books can be drop shipped by reliable suppliers.

Easy To Start
Lee Howard's Wholesale Book Sources & Moneymaking Book Selling Ideas tells you where to get the books you need at the lowest possible costs. Buying "right" is the key to selling for profits. You need to know sources that will give you the best deals. Lee Howard gives you the benefit of his 15 years experience in the book business. Discover where and how to buy 98% of all books at the lowest prices.

Spare-Time At Home
No expensive location is required, just a little spare space that you already have will do just fine. A few evening hours will get you going and you can grow as you go.

Success Stories
Ron Playle started his mail order book business 15 years ago and now has a profitable, full time business with hundreds of books in his catalog… he started with one mimeographed book.

A Texas dealer started a few years ago on a part time basis. Now he has his own warehouse and sells hundreds of book titles in his catalog distributed nationwide.

How-To-Do-It Books sell thousands of copies. Make your money with the manuals, directories and reports that are the biggest moneymaking source in the U.S.

The No-Inventory Method
Learn how to get publishers to stock and ship books for you after you have received the orders. This is the easy drop-shipping method. Or you can make higher profits when you are ready to stock and ship your own books. Discover the secrets to MAIL ORDER BOOK BUSINESS SUCCESS!

Wholesale Book Sources
Many Secret Sources are revealed in Lee Howard's Manual. Over 700 publishers and wholesale sources are listed. Many of them are totally unknown to the public because they do not advertise. Some of them have the lowest prices. NEVER PAY RETAIL PRICES FOR A BOOK AGAIN. You can get 98% of all books at wholesale prices or lower. Discover how!

Book Selling Ideas
Over 100 tips on how to make more money with books are contained in the Moneymaking Book Selling Ideas section. Discover the secrets of book selling success from those who have been making mail order profits for 15 to 20 years.

Secret Sources Revealed
Ask a successful mail order dealer where he buys his material, how much he pays for it, etc. and do you believe he will tell you? Of course not. He makes his big profits from this hidden information and he is not going to reveal it to newcomers. This manual is the Book Dealers' guide!

No Other Source Book Like This!
This Source Book is totally unique. Do not confuse Lee Howard's Wholesale Book Sources Manual and Directory with small directories that list a few commonly known sources and give no inside information. Here you get 64 chock full 8½ x 11 pages of vital current moneymaking inside information.

  • All major mass market paperback publishers are listed
  • Many major and smaller hardcover and softcover publishers are listed
  • Hundreds of publishers and wholesalers that drop-ship are listed
  • Unadvertised hidden sources revealed…

Books costing $1 can be sold for $10. These huge profits are quite common in the mail order book business. Some books may pay you only 40% or 50% profits. The secret is in knowing where to buy them.

Lee Howard's Success...
… can be your guide to profits. He reveals the facts and secrets that he has dug out from over 15 years in the book business. He has bought $15 hardcover books for as low as 10¢ each. He bought books for 7¢ each and sold them for $3 each. There is so much potential business in this vast world that no one person can handle it all. There is room for you! Are you ready for a simple, easy, busy mail order business?

You Can Do It
Yes you can make a success in the mail order book business just like others, who have been inexperienced, have done it. The first step is to get Lee Howard's Wholesale Book Sources & Moneymaking Book Selling Ideas

Catalog No: 0420

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