The Complete Guide To Generating, Closing & Working With All The Prospects You Need To Make Real Money Every Month In Network Marketing

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

NEW! REVISED SECOND EDITION! UPDATED! JUST PRINTED! Thousands of people in virtually every network marketing company are using this book - right now - to make more money every single month with these sensible guidelines. This is the one resource you need to profit in MLM - get it now! 

Here's what you'll find in this detailed, information dense, totally practical 146-page resource: 

  • guidelines for selecting the right network marketing company. The network marketing industry is filled with fly-by-night companies that are interested only in the personal enrichment of their officers, whatever the cost to others. Jeffrey provides the steps you need to select just the right company, the company that will work with you to ensure your success. 
  • step-by-step details for generating all the prospect leads you need. Many people in network marketing have been gulled by "gurus" who advocate what is termed "warm marketing", that is the "system" whereby each independent distributor attempts to recruit family, friends, company co-workers and associates, neighbors, etc. Jeffrey is rigorously opposed to this travesty of marketing which has resulted in thousands of shattered relationships and hurt feelings. Jeffrey provides detailed steps you can take right now to generate prospects who are interested in finding a profitable business opportunity. (Jeffrey provides a detailed analysis of all the means of generating leads, including commercially available alternatives. As in all his books, he "names names" telling you what companies offer value... and which one you should avoid! 
  • you get complete details on what to do when your prospect leads contact you. Is the person contacting you a real prospect, or just someone who's going to waste your time, eat up your other resources? Jeffrey provides detailed questions and shows you how to evaluate the answers so you'll work only with the people you should be working with! 
  • you find out how to get each new person you sponsor off to a fast start, which is important both for this recruit and yourself. Jeffrey's step-by-step directions show you how to make every independent distributor successful... whether they're on your first... or thirtieth level! 
  • you discover how to turn your computer into a source of unparalleled power in your recruiting efforts. Jeffrey provides you with step-by-step details for creating all the template documents you'll use for both recruiting and working with prospects and distributors. 
  • Jeffrey explains how you can create inexpensive, effective marketing communications like self-mailer flyers where the crucial marketing information about your company can be presented in such a way that the whole thing goes out for the cost of a first-class postage stamp, a tremendous savings over current network marketing materials which can cost $5 - or more for a single mailing!!! 
  • you find out how to work with your distributors so that they have the leads they need and the necessary assistance to close prospects promptly. Jeffrey tells you how to integrate fax, phone, computer, and mail into your follow-up so that your distributors benefit from your continued upline support. 
  • you learn how to organize your downline members into lead-generating co-ops so they always have prospects to work for their benefit - and yours. 
  • you discover you to use card-decks to generate thousands of leads… and what to do with the leads once you get them to identify the good ones and close them fast! 
  • you learn how to use the telephone to qualify prospects and close them into your organization. Jeffrey knows that most independent distributors are bad on the phone. That's why his step-by-step guidelines are both simple and easy-to-follow. 
And there's lots, lots more! 

CAUTION: this book is only for those Independent distributors who really want to make money in network marketing. Every word in this resource is usable now... every word is designed to help you build a money-making organization and profit now. This book is not about the "received wisdom" of an often disorganized, selfish and anti-marketing industry. Instead, it offers to every man and woman who is really looking for a source of realistic wealth precisely what they need to succeed. 

These methods work. Thousands of MLM'ers worldwide now profit from the step-by-step directions in this money-making resource. Whatever MLM program you're in, use this book... and make money!

Cat. No: 1002

Other books by Dr. J. Lant
Cash Copy
The Consultant's Kit
Money Making Marketing
Multi-Level Money
No More Cold Calls
Publishing "How-to" information
Self-Promoter's Guide
Tricks of the Trade
Web Wealth

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