Tricks of the trade; how to make at least $100,000 every year as a successful consultant in your own field: the complete guide to succeeding in the advice business by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Once you've mastered the consulting basics, here's where you go. This is the book that'll give you exactly what you need to make at least $100,000 every year as a consultant.

"May I offer my congratulations on your book THE CONSULTANT'S KIT! I checked it out at my local library. It is concise, well written, and an enjoyable read as well since you always seem to inject just the right amount of humor into your material"

Michael Cooney, Glen

There has never been a resource this detailed about what it really takes to make a six-figure consulting income. You find out how to:

  • raise your fees higher than your competitors - and still seem like a bargain;
  • get the big retainer contracts that get you income every month, whether you're working for the client or not;
  • develop a national - or even international - consulting business - in person and by phone;
  • get the best results for the client so you can leverage these results to get more clients in the same field... fast;
  • develop the "passive income" sources that enable you to make money every day whether you're otherwise working or not... we're talking about books, booklets, audio cassettes, special reports, and more.

You'll get the low-down on how to use your computer for maximum efficiency (and where to get state-of-the-art hardware and software for rock-bottom prices); how to get detailed problem solving information fast. There's even ready-to-use information on time management, stress reduction, and traveling smart.

This book -- like everything Jeffrey produces -- is packed with detailed money-making follow-up information. You get the names, addresses and phone numbers of the experts who can help you make the big money now. And complete details on dozens of other resources you'll want to know about and use to your advantage.

Catalog No: 1785

Other books by Dr. J. Lant
Cash Copy
The Consultant's Kit
Money Making Marketing
Multi-Level Money
No More Cold Calls
Publishing "How-to" information
Self-Promoter's Guide
Tricks of the Trade
Web Wealth

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