Web Wealth How To Turn The World Wide Web Into A Cash Hose For You And Your Business... Whatever You're Selling!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Wondering how you can make money from the World Wide Web for your product or service? Dr. Jeffrey Lant's book - his 13th! -- was written especially for you!!!

The number of people with access to the World Wide Web is doubling every five months! Estimates of the number of current users range from a low of twenty million to upwards of 60,000,000 people worldwide -- with tens of millions more projected to gain access in the next few years. Within 15 years as many people in the U.S. will be on the Internet as currently have t.v. There will be 5 billion+ Web sites worldwide! At least 1/3 the world's business will be transacted over the Web.

Any way you slice it, the Internet is the most important development in the history of human -- and business -- communications. It offers all people with access the ability to

  • transmit unlimited amounts of text at unbelievably low cost
  • connect with just the kinds of people they want to
  • open new markets without ever leaving their offices
  • dramatically lower the cost of their fax and long-distance telephone calls
  • provide their prospects with everything these people need to know right now and make an immediate sale (or get a much more highly qualified prospect)
  • provide both audio and video programming to the entire world, and to
  • make sales 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Unfortunately, lots of people are not benefiting from this revolution... either because they're not yet promoting their business on the Internet... or because they don't know how to do it right, making the wrong decisions about where to put their site, what to put in it, and how to promote it for maximum advantage.

That's why this clear, candid, detailed and specific resource is so needed right now.

In 11 information-dense chapters, you learn

  • why every business will be on the Web. Whether you're running a home-based business, service business or multi-national conglomerate, you're going to have to have your own Web site.
  • why you must be associated with an Internet Mall to succeed. Setting up a solo home page without having all the promotional tools you need makes no sense at all!
  • how to create a profit-making Web site that gets results. A Web site is not like a standard print ad. Learn the secret of net advertising, the way to create a Web site that generates maximum traffic and profit!
  • how to promote your Web site within the Internet. You can't just post a home page and then sit back waiting to count your money. Promotion is everything!
  • how to promote your Web site off the Internet. In this fast-moving chapter you'll get one valuable idea after another about how to promote your Web site to the max for minimum expense.
  • how to build your business with fax-on-demand technology. Do people call your office and ask you to send your information to them? Do they ask you the same questions day after day? That's why you need fax-on-demand technology.

In WEB WEALTH, you also get detailed information for specific business situations, including

  • your local service business. Yes, you should be on the Internet. Here's how you'll profit right now!
  • your network marketing organization. Put the Web to work for you building the largest possible network marketing organization and the largest monthly commission checks.
  • your publication. Traditional print publishers have been badly beaten up in recent years thanks to dramatic increases in paper, production and postage prices. Find out how to use the Web to increase your bottom line and scoop your competitors!

Also discover how to profit by becoming associated with the Worldprofit Mall Complex. Find out how you can

  • have your own Mall. Develop your own lucrative Mall and profit as the Web soars.
  • profit as a Worldprofit Dealer. Every business, every organization in every country is an Internet prospect. Make lifetime residual income by referring advertisers to the Worldprofit Mall Complex.


There has never been as detailed a resource on this with the information you need to make Internet money now -- whatever you're selling!

Catalog No: 1787

Other books by Dr. J. Lant
Cash Copy
The Consultant's Kit
Money Making Marketing
Multi-Level Money
No More Cold Calls
Publishing "How-to" information
Self-Promoter's Guide
Tricks of the Trade
Web Wealth

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