Money Making Marketing, Finding The People Who Need What You're Selling And Making Sure They Buy It

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Here's your complete money-making marketing program!

I'm tired of watching most otherwise intelligent business people pretend to a knowledge of marketing they don't possess. Vast numbers of people are in business today who haven't got the most elementary clue about what it takes to keep generating a steady stream of prospects, qualify them quickly, and make the sale. Odds are this is probably you, too.

This is the one resource you need to establish an absolutely unrelenting marketing program. In 285 info-packed pages, you find out exactly what you need to sell more of your products/services NOW. Not six months from now. Not next week. But right this minute!

Find out how to:

  • handle your marketing research even when you hate marketing research;
  • generate a steady stream of qualified prospect leads;
  • turn these prospects into faster buyers;
  • master the intricacies of writing client-centered marketing communications... so your prospects know precisely what you've got for them and want to acquire it;
  • get all the free publicity you want for your products/services;
  • create classified and space ads that get people to respond... and know what to do with them when they do;
  • handle telephone sales to get appointments and make more sales;
  • master the profit-making ins and outs of co-op advertising, direct response marketing, card decks, premium advertising, trade shows & exhibits;
  • make money with mail order despite today's higher postal rates.

And much, much more.

Catalog No: 1793

Other books by Dr. J. Lant
Cash Copy
The Consultant's Kit
Money Making Marketing
Multi-Level Money
No More Cold Calls
Publishing "How-to" information
Self-Promoter's Guide
Tricks of the Trade
Web Wealth

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