bandpic2 This is Daniel playing guitar, if he knew how. Aww, how cute. The second part in a series of pics. The series includes Kei(me), Daniel, Draco, Raven, and Fenomka as DJ Fen. Interesting, eh? This was done with pencil, if you couldn't tell. Doesn't he look so innnocent? Yeah, i think all of us do in these band pics. I'm really liking the arm bands. No, it's not electrical tape!! That would hurt like hell to take off!!! BTW, i used a pic of James Black from Finger Eleven to help me with the pose. The arm bands were also inspired by him. Oh, and the clothes. Oh, he has all the piecings that he should have..or atleast the ones you can see. And damn! I didn't draw his tattoo...