bandpic The first in the series of band pics. it's me!! Kei Maxwell. Lead singer(like i can sing!) and rhythm guitarist of a nameless band. Sad, really. Wiggity-wiggity or Butterfly Plague? It used to be Interconnected but i don't like that name anymore. Damn interconnected. Just had to be a real word, doncha'? *snarl* Guess what! I'm equipped with my square-studded belt, ball-bearing necklace, and two tattoos! you can't see one of them but it should be there. it should be a star on the left wrist. the one you can see is a barcode. No, i don't actually have tattoos. Sadly. I'm under age, dammit!! But, i will, i swear!!! Hey, i think i drew an eye-brow piercing in the right brow.....i don't remember. oh, i want one of those, too. Actually, two of them... heehee...