Realm of the Gods

bow down to us, mortal being!!!

Realm of Minions

  • Andrew    -  Crow of Failure
  • Daniel       -  Sheep of Darkness
  • Deanna     -  Puppy of Joy
  • Draco       -  Monkey of Mischief
  • Fenomka   -  Goat of Music/Pilones of Doom(orange construction cones)
  • Gumby      -  Mini-Hippo of Pain(changes size)
  • Gwen        -  Dove of Faith
  • Kei            -  Panda of Deception
  • Luana        -  Horse of Victory
  • Marejia      -  Platypus of Creativity
  • Naze          -  Rats of Misery
  • Raven        -  Panther of Temptation
  • Reluna       -  Dolphin of Creation
  • SHH          -  Parrot of Truth
  • Sparkles     -  Fireflies of Light
  • Steve         -  Nightingale of Instruments
  • Zion           -  Cow of Destruction

trowa approved
Aww! it's trowa!*smiles*