Friends and Family: What's the Difference?
Butterfly Sugar, Baby

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Ones to Thank in my Acceptance Speech:

My mom and dad have been putting up with me for 23 years already!! Someone's gotta give them credit for that. I thank them and love them with all my heart for their supernatural patience. :-) You're the wind beneath my wings. I love you.

My brother, Kevin, is the milk in my tea, the dot on my i's, the cap on my know, he just makes it all complete. He makes me believe I am capable of a lot more than I think I am. I am so proud of him and if it were anyone else, I wouldn't be as willing to live in their shadow. I love you!

My brother, Brian, should not have me as an influence. :-) He is 13 years old and a lot smarter than he has to be at his age. I give him all the credit in the world for not struggling under the pressure of living up to the mistakes me and Kevin made. He's a champ 100%. I love you!

Krista Beth. My dear, sister/best friend/partner in crime/Princess of the World...we've picked each other up without ever being the one to knock each other down. We became friends through a common dislike for one annoying person and we've grown closer through further hatred. LOL You have the key to my house and the key head, really. Ha!! I love you!

Cat. You put the grrrr in swinger, baby! Cookin' sex pot, you are. LOL I love you to death and I am SO glad we have stayed friends after high school. You are a friend I would never, ever want to lose. Thanks for always being honest with me about everything. You're the best! I love you!

Steven. You can always be counted on and are a friend through and through. Thank you for always being there for me. You're proof that men don't have to be gay to be nice. LOL...but it's true. I love you! :-)

Michelle. You're pure delightful. You're sweet, strong and caring and all those and more make you such a wonderful person. Thanks for always being there for me and I just know you're going to be successful at anything you do and I will always be there to tell you how proud I am of you. Stay adorable!!!!!!!!! I love you!

To all of you and anyone else I neglected to mention, thank you for making me the complex, dramatic, and absolutely delightful person I consider myself to be. :-)

This page has been made possible by all of those I have decided to encounter myself with in my life. To anyone who's no longer a part of for you...