Theatre VG
The Quotes

"Man is least himself when he talks to his own person. Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth!"

From the works of Oscar Wilde...

I've heard that the line "Put out the torches. Hide the moon. Light the stars." is taken from Salomé, I haven't read the play yet, so I'm not too sure about this.

"For once there was an unknown land, full of strange flowers and subtle perfumes, a land of which it is joy of all joys to dream, a land where all thing is perfect and poisonous..." is taken from a letter from Oscar to a friend.

"I knew I should create a sensation, gasped the Rocket, and he went out." said Brian after Hot Oneis almost the same as the last line of The Remarkable Rocket -
"I knew I should create a great sensation." gasped the Rocket, and he went out.

Arthur's teacher read a paragraph from Ch.11 of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
There were times when it appeared to Dorian Gray that the whole of history was merely the record of his own life, not as he had lived it in act and circumstand, but as his imagination had created it for him, as it had been in his brain and in his passions. He felt that he had known them all, those strange terrible figures that had passed across the stage of the world and made sin so marvellous, and evil so ful of subtlety. It seemed to him that in some mysterious way their lives had been his own.

In the Press Soiree, "The first duty in life is to assume a pose. What the second duty is no one has yet found out." is similar to a line from Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of the Young, Chameleon
The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible. What the second duty is no one has as yet discovered.
In the above scene, "Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth" is said by Oscar, but I haven't found the source yet. If you know where does that line come from, please email me.

Also in the same scene, the line "Nothing makes one so vain as been told one is a sinner." is from Ch.8 of The Picutre of Dorian Gray, said by Lord Henry in the discussion after he informed Dorian of the death of Sybil Vane.

Before Curt kissed Brian, he said "The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold, the curves of your lips rewrite history." is quoted from the last chapterw The Picture of Dorian Gray

"Women defend themselves by attacking, just as they attack by sudden and strange surrenders." in the last conversation between Brian and Mandy is from Ch.5 of The Picture of Dorian Gray, when James Vane asked his mother whether his packages were ready or not.

The line Curt Wild said in the bar scene at the end of the movie, "Listen, real artists create beautiful things and... puts nothing of his own life into them. Okay?" is again taken from The Picture of Dorian Gray, Ch.1, the conversation between Lord Herny and Basil Hallward about the reason why he wouldn't exhibit the portrait of Dorian.
"An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them."

The Soundtrack

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