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  H O M E A G E

HI!! Whoever you are, thanks for coming to visit my webpage. Its the first one iv ever done so if its not to good then I DONT CARE!

I am 18 and i come from Scotland in the UK. I am 5ft7, slim and have brown hair and green eyes. I like to play all kinds of sports, i enjoy playing most computer games online and offline and i like hangin out with my mates DRINKIN!!!!!

I am training to be a plumber, i currently  am doing a full time apprenticship with my local council which involves 3 years of college training on plumbing and 4 years of work. I quite enjoy my work and NO! i dont JUST unblock toilets hehehe.

My Gurlfriend is called Claire (theres a pic on page 2) I Met her online a year and a half ago, i worked up the courage in April to finally go see her for her birthday and i havent regreted it one day since then. I visit claire anytime possible and she does the same.