text += ("Mark Anthony's Address from
'Julius Caesar'
text += ("Friends, Romans, " +form.input1.value+ " lend me your " +form.input2.value+ "; ");
text += ("I come to " +form.input3.value+ " Caesar, not to praise him. ");
text += ("The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their " +form.input4.value+ "; ");
text += ("so let it be with " +form.input5.value+ ". " );
text += ("The noble Brutus hath told you Caesar was " +form.input6.value+ "; if it were so, it was a grievous fault. ");
text += ("If you have " +form.input7.value+ ", prepare to shed them now. ");
text += ("You all do know this " +form.input8.value+ ". ");
text += ("I remember the first time Caesar put it on. ");
text += ("Through this well-beloved Brutus stabbed; for Brutus, as you know, was Caesar's " +form.input9.value+ ": ");
text += ("this was the unkindest " +form.input10.value+ " of all. ");
text += ("Here is the " +form.input11.value+ ", under Caesar's seal. To every Roman " +form.input12.value+ " he gives, ");
text += ("to every several man, seventy five " +form.input13.value+ ". ");
text += ("Here was a/an " +form.input14.value+ "! When comes another?");
// End -->
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