Flur Elise 
SealFlur Elise 

Dad's Awards Page 2

Dad's pages are on a roll.
I love finding presents in my email box!
Imagine, another award, if there are more
in the offering I'll have to build him ANOTHER page.
Please visit
"Reflections by Tee" if you like
a witty sense of humor.
Thanky Tee!

Reflections by Tee Award

February 19, 2000

This award comes from Bobbie,
she has a web site of true
She has everything you need
to make a winning web site.

Bobbie's Award

March 3, 2000

The next image is not
an award, it's a special gif from
a very special gal in New Zealand.
Pat knows more about the American Indian
than most of us who live in the U.S.A.
A visit to
"Pat's Little Corner of the World"
will charm and educate.

Indian Gift from Pat<

March 9, 2000

What a gal! Pat sent these
in the mail this morning, of course
my morning is not her morning.;-)
Thank you Pat, what an honor!.

Pat's Excellence Award

March 10, 2000
Pat's Awesome Award

March 10, 2000

Dad's pages are going
for sure. I'm so proud
of this award I'm hanging it
even before I thank him.
His site is as terrific as he is.
Visit "Martin's Netstop" in the

Martin's S-Top Site Award

March 11, 2000

We just received this gift from
"Beautiful Eagle" aka Amazing Lizzy
What a charmer she is!

ASL Friends Graphic

March 11, 2000

Yep, it's come to this, another page of
awards. ;-)

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Last up dated: January 17, 2002