Hi, I'm Carolyn

Hello. I'd like to thank you for taking the time to stop by to visit my web page.
Just to say a little about myself. I'm 52, single, very independent, born and lived in and around Dallas, Tx. all my life. I've worked for a large company in Dallas for 22 years.
I love computers and all the latest technology, dancing, movies, theaters, reading, most kinds of music, fishing, and all animals.
Some of my favorite singers and groups are Elton John, Phil Collins, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Peter Cetera, Take That, Kenny Rogers, Michael Bolton and many others.
I think the Internet is very exciting and I love all the new ideas that it gives me and the opportunities to meet friends from around the world. I enjoy changing and updating my web page often.

Click for some of my favorite poems

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Document last modified on Tuesday, November 7, 2000 8:00 PM
