
Welcome to my web page at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
My name is Timothy C. Phillips, and I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate in English at ULL.

NOTE: I am currently on hiatus from the program. I am primarily interested in the literature of the Twentieth Century The
late century contained much upheaval and change. I view its literature as both
record of, and reaction to, those great changes.

Creative writing is one of my passions. I am a writer of fiction, a solitary pursuit in many ways,
but ultimately rewarding, I feel, to those who have a story to tell and feel compelled to
write them down, and share them with others.

I am pleased to announce the official release of my long-belated first book,
Season of the Witch in the first months of next year.

Buy it here, presently available in ebook format.

Like most writers, I have had a lot of jobs. The ones most pertinent to my life and
current pursuits are listed on my online resume.

Now, like most of you honest people out there, I've had a ton of other jobs
that I'd never put on a resume. Life's a bugger sometimes, though, and I'm proud
of every scar and every stumble. So, here's Tim's Archive of Dismal Jobs.

Yup, these are all jobs I've actually worked. Enjoy. I can laugh, too, now.
Now, while I am an intersting cat, if you are bored enough to read my resume,
You might prefer reading a story. Maybe you'll get
a kick out of one of my stories, which you can check out here.

NEW!!! The Zen of Tuco

                           Contact Tim

©Copyright 2004 Timothy C. Phillips