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CLF 2003 EYA
We're offering a sneak peak at Celtic Legends' 2yo Arabians that will be offered in the Express Yearling Auction!
Hope you enjoy!
1.CL Counts Legacy
2001 Rose grey Colt
Indian Legacy ( Indian Illusion x Ivana) SW s/o G1/G3MSW/CH/NTR Caitayna CL ,MSW/NTR/CH CL Elentari, SW's CL Galadreil, CL Arwen, Indian Mystry, SplcdW CL Aragorn, ect. Sire is MSW and s/o MSW/MCH/HOTY/Darely CH 3yo F Golden Illusion, G3SW'a Narquelion and Topaz Rose, ect. Ivana d/o of MSW Samesaoud, Spws and wnrs.
CL Counts Lady Grey (Count Galagor ® x Szary Motyl) UR Dam OF SplcdW CL Aragorn Sire MSW defeated *Wiking S/o Splcdw Counts Leagacy,ect. G/s of 5x Champion (2x Filly of the year, 3x Ch) Multiple wnr Steal a kiss. Szary Motyl D/o wnr, producers ( Cerridwen d/o MSW/CH ect)
B: Celtic Legends Farms, US
2.CL Illusive Count
2001 bay over grey Gelding
Count Galagor ® ((* AK Shah Halim x Galatina Rouge MSW 36(11-7-6) defeated *Wiking S/o Splcdw Counts Leagacy, wnr Counts Magic Spell top 3yo Princesswannabe. G/s of 5x Champion (2x Filly of the year, 3x Ch) Multiple wnr Steal a kiss.
Silver Luminare (Indian Illusion x Szary Motyl) d/o MSW/trCH/NTR CL Elentari, SW Galadriel of 2 to race Indian Illusion MSW S/o MSW/MCH/HOTY/Model Darley CH 3yo F Golden Illusion, G3SW's Narquelion and Topaz Rose, SW Indian Legacy. Szary Motyl d/o wnr Legoals, MSW/CH producing BMS!
B:Celtic Legends Farm, MI
3.CL Illusive Gala
2001 Grey filly
SWR Top Flight (Sir William Tryczam x Kazim) 2x HOTY MSW 44(10 -8-5) sire MSW 14(6-2-3) lines to Sambor and *tryrolis
CL Silver Countess (Count Galagor ® x Silver Luminare) u/r by MSW sire, s/o oSplcdw Counts Leagacy, wnr Counts Magic Spell top 3yo Princesswannabe. G/s of 5x Champion (2x Filly of the year, 3x Ch) Dam d/o SW CL Galadriel, MSW / CH CL Elentari of 2 to race
B: Celtic Legends Farms, US
4.CL Indian Mystic
2001 Drk Chestnut filly
Indian Legacy ( Indian Illusion x Ivana) see above
CL Spellbound (SWR Top Flight ® x CL Cerridwen) u/r. Sire 2x HOTY MSW 44(10 -8-5) sire MSW 14(6-2-3) lines to Sambor and *tryrolis Dam d/o MSW/CH Caitanya CL, wnr CL Elderberry Wine of 2 to start
B: Celtic Legends Farms, US
5.CL Smoke Signals
2001 Rose Grey Colt
Indian Legacy (Indian Illusion x Ivana) see above
Szary Motyl (Pepton ® x NA Sweet Mystrys) sire MSW with a RR of 16(11-4-0-1) All wins were Stake D/o one to race wnr Legolas, d/o producing mare Silver Luminare d/o MSW /CH CL Elentari, SW Galadriel and Cerridwen d/o MSW/CH Caitanya CL,wnr CL Elderberry Wine
B: Celtic Legends Farms, US
6.CL Winds Of India
2001 bay Colt
Indian Legacy (Indian Illusion x Ivana) MSW
*Bint Samraa Sudan (EL Shaz ® x Bint Fagra ®) u/r D/o producers Pixie Gold (wnr Pixie Dust), indian Samara, d/o SW CL Arwen ans producer Catchabrassring, . Carries lines to Tuhotmos -r
B: Celtic Legends Farms, US