

Music beyond Time



"The music of 2 LAMPLAYERS 5000 YEARS AFTER creates an electric dance where sounds and rhythm shock themselves between rock and Techno music, force and softness, warmth and modesty: a disconcerting universe like an Eskimo speech, sang in Africa. An innovative music put on a tensed string, continuously looking for an unstable balance. This inexhaustible engine marries the most avant-garde technology devices playing for us our familiar environment. 2 LAMPLAYERS 5000 YEARS AFTER expresses deep feelings with an uncommon language. They play on lighting musical instruments made with metal springs, rubber strings, wood bows, glass globe: they create the sound of the light. They are like a sounding crystal from where comes this unexpected light which lights and transforms our simple view on things. They never say a word that gives to us the possibility to classify this universe. Music to discover for the adventurer in search of unusual event."

Thierry Viel, Flash Magazine (Translated from French)




"La lampe articulée à spirales, a 2 fonctions :

la première; illuminer,

la seconde; être depuis des millénaires, un instrument de musique.

Un générateur d'Ondes Ludiques,

manipulé avec des temporalités

aux différentes évolutions vibratoires

et turbulentes.

Des Gardes du Temps aux mouvements thermiques

qui libèrent d'importantes vagues d'énergies souterraines.


transmettent les différentes vies,

coexistantes dans l'agitation moléculaire

des espaces clos."

le Dalaï Lama, oct. 1995.




"I feel a very strong time presence into your music, some kind of consciousness or memory bringing back feelings linked to childhood : the discovery of the real world, the infinitely small and the infinitely large, the feeling of an inner time, of subterranean times."

Pascalina Pica, Intervista, Milano.





Mathius Shadow-Sky [lamplayer 1, composition, direction], Vincent Favre [lamplayer 2], Fabrice Gares [soundplayer], Sami Benhaouachi [scenography and light], K-Ro [painted costumes and masks], Don [videoactor 1], Sam [videoactor 2], Philippe Courtois [video installation].



2 Lamplayers 5000 Years After team 112K page, 40 sec with 28.8 modem






Les photographes qui ont pris des photos des SpectàCulArts de 2 Lamplayers 5000 Years After peuvent les envoyer au Centre De La Bombe usa, pour les avoir sur le site.


picture: Alfonso Jose Nunez (Toulouse, France)