WWF Raw Game by Ljn Reviewed by Adrock gbcam@hotmail.com Size: 2 megabits Save: None. Released: 1994 Works with: All Game Boys. **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: A Game Boy port of the SNES game. This game is from when I thought the WWF was good. (Back in the day.) **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: The game play is very awkward. BUT, there are lots of options and stuff. It is a tad playable. Liked: Good options, and a nice roster of characters. Hated: Playing the actual game is tough, and isn't as fun as the SNES version. **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: The mugshots of each of the wrestlers look okay. When playing the game, bouncing off the ropes and stuff looks really sloppy. Liked: I can tell who they are by thier mugshots, and not have to guess. Hated: Gameplay looks sloppy. **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: Sound FX need work. The music of the wrestlers is all there. Liked: Listening to the theme music is sometimes worth the price of the game... OK, maybe not. But still. Hated: Eww. Sound FX are sucky, and the theme during play should have been cut out. **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: The controls had me all over the place. It reminded me of... Mortal Kombat... eck. Liked: Pressing left or right twice to run kind of grows on ya. Hated: The game's worst flaw is play control. **************************************************************************** Improve: Play Control. And cut out the music during play. RIYL: GB Wrestling Games, Pit Fighter, etc. **************************************************************************** Final Words: This game is not a recommended buy. **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: ** Graphics: ** Sound/Music: ** Play Control/Game Design: * Personal Opinion: ** Total: 9 out of 25. Final Score: %36 **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: (Any secrets?)