
The links below are in five parts: 1. Toledo city death logbook images 1858-1901, 2. Lucas County death logbook and/or death certificate images 1867-1931, 3. Deaths 1868 to 1909 {knowing only the name, in 5 volumes}, 4. Lucas County Death Certificates of 1908-1970 (3 procedures) and 5. Ohio, U.S., Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2018 (need Ancestry.com).

==== Part 1 - Toledo city death logbook images 1858-1901 =====================================< BR>
Register of Deaths, City of Toledo, by date 1858-Oct1894

--Oct 1858-- --Jan 1859-- --June 1859-- --Jan 1860-- [Jan & Feb 1860 missing] --June 1860-- --Jan 1861-- --Jun 1861-- --Jan 1862-- --June 1862-- --Jan 1863-- --June 1863-- --Jan 1864-- --Jun 1864-- --Jan 1865-- --Jun 1865-- --Jan 1866-- --June 1866-- --Jan 1867-- --June 1867-- --Jan 1868-- --Jun 1868-- --Jan 1868-- --June 1868-- --Jan 1869-- --June 1869-- --Jan 1870-- --Jun 1870-- --Jan 1871-- --Jun 1871-- --Jan 1872-- --June 1872-- --Jan 1873-- --June 1873-- --Jan 1874-- --June 1874-- --Jan 1875-- --Jun 1875-- --Jan 1876-- --Jun 1876-- --Jan 1877-- --June 1877-- --Jan 1878-- --June 1878-- --Jan 1879-- --June 1879-- --Jan 1880-- --Jun 1880-- --Jan 1881-- --Jun 1881-- --Aug-Oct 1881-- --Nov-Dec 1881-- --Jan 1882-- --June 1882-- --Jan 1883-- --June 1883-- --Jan 1884-- --June 1884-- --Jan 1885-- --Jun 1885-- --Jan 1886-- --Jun 1886-- --Jan 1887-- --June 1887-- --Jan 1888-- --June 1888- --Jan 1889-- --June 1889-- --Jan 1890-- --June 1890-- --Jan 1891-- --Jun 1891-- --Jan 1892-- --Jun 1892-- --Jan 1893-- --June 1893-- --ends in Apr 1894

Register of Deaths, City of Toledo, by surname1894-1897

--A-- --B-- --C-- --D-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --H(#2)-- --I-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --Q-- --R-- --S-- --S(#2)-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --noX-- --Y-- --Z--

Register of Deaths, City of Toledo, Board of Health, by surname1898-1901

--A-- --B-- --B#2-- --C-- --C#2-- --D-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --G#2-- --H-- --I-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --L#2-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --P#2-- --Q-- --R-- --S-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --X-- --Y-- --Z--

==== Part 2 - Lucas County death logbook and/or death certificate images 1867-1912 ==========================================================

Register of Deaths, Lucas County Probate Court, by date of death 1867-1870, volume 1
[Note: This 1867-1870 log is a mixture of dates and surnames. So check all pages until the end at page 80.]

--Mixed dates over 50 pages from 29 to 80-- --end--

Register of Deaths, Lucas County Probate Court, by surname 1870-1884, volume 1

--A-- --B-- --B#2-- --B#3-- --C-- --D-- --E-- --E#2-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --noI-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --M & Mc-- --M#2-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --Q-- --R-- --S-- --S#2-- --S#3-- --S#4-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --noX-- --Y-- --Z--

Register of Deaths, Lucas County Probate Court, by surname 1884-1893, volume 2

--A-- --B-- --C-- --D-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --I-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --Q-- --R-- --S-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --noX-- --Y-- --Z--

Register of Deaths, Lucas County Probate Court, by surname1893-1896, volume 3

--A-- --B-- --C-- --D-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --I-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --Q-- --Q#2-- --R-- --S-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --noX-- --Y-- --Z--

Register of Deaths, Lucas County Probate Court, by surname1896-1904, volume 4

--A-- --B-- --C-- --D-- --D#2-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --I-- --J-- --K-- --K#2-- --L-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --P#2-- --Q-- --R-- --S-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --noX-- --Y-- --Z--

Death Certificates, Lucas County Probate Court, by date 1904-1908
[note: There are 200-400 certificates per month, so jump forward appropriately. The certs are roughly in order of date +/1 4 days.]

--Jan 1904-- --Feb 1904-- --Mar 1904-- --Apr 1905-- --May 1904-- --Jun 1904-- --Jul 1904-- --Aug 1904-- --Sep 1904-- --Oct 1904-- --Nov 1904-- --Dec 1904-- --1904end--
--Jan 1905-- --Feb 1905-- --Mar 1905-- --Apr 1905-- --May 1905-- --Jun 1905-- --Jul 1905-- --Aug 1905-- --Sep 1905-- --Oct 1905-- --Nov 1905-- --Dec 1905-- --1905end--
--Jan 1906-- --Feb 1906-- --Mar 1906-- --Apr 1906-- --May 1906-- --Jun 1906-- --Jul 1906-- --Aug 1906-- --Sep 1906-- --Oct 1906-- --Nov 1906-- --Dec 1906-- --1906end--
--Jan 1907-- --Feb 1907-- --Mar 1907-- --Apr 1907-- --May 1907-- --Jun 1907-- --Jul 1907-- --Aug 1907-- --Sep 1907-- --Oct 1907-- --Nov 1907-- --Dec 1907-- --1907end--
--Jan 1908-- --Feb 1908-- --Mar 1908-- --Apr 1908-- --May 1908-- --Jun 1908-- --Jul 1908-- --Aug 1908-- --Sep 1908-- --Oct 1908-- --Nov 1908-- --Dec 1908-- --1908end--

Death Certificates, Lucas County Probate Court, special procedure for 1909-1912

==== Part 3 - Deaths 1868 to 1909 -- If you only know the name and not the year of death=======================================================

Use below to find the first 3 letters of the surname for a surname just lower that the surname for the person of interest. Then, search for the person by surname, forename and year of death. :
_Aaa_ _Ahr_ _Ang_ _Baa_ _Bak_ _Bar_ _Bec_ _Ber_ _Bir_ _Bog_ _Boy_ _Bri_ _Bro_ _Bur_ _Byl_ _Can_ _Cav_ _Cla_ _Col_ _Coo_ _Cra_ _Cut_ _Dar_ _Del_ _Die_ _Dou_ _Dun_ _Eds_ _Eng_ _Fab_ _Fav_ _Fis_ _For_ _Fre_ _Gaa_ _Gar_ _Ger_ _Glo_ _Gra_ _Gri_ _Haa_ _Hal_ _Har_ _Has_ _Hei_ _Hes_ _Hod_ _Hor_ _Hun_ _Jab_ _Jan_ _Joh_ _Kac_ _Kap_ _Kel_ _Kim_ _Kna_ _Kos_ _Kue_ _Laa_ _Lam_ _Lav_ _Les_ _Loe_ _Lyo_ _Maa_ _Mah_ _Mar_ _Mat_ _Mes_ _Mil_ _Moh_ _Mor_ _Mur_ _McA_ _McC_ _McK_ _Nac_ _Nei_ _Nor_ _O'De_ _Ote_ _Pac_ _Par_ _Per_ _Pil_ _Pra_ _Qri_ _Raa_ _Ran_ _Rem_ _Rin_ _Roh_ _Ruh_ _Saa_ _Sap_ _Schi_ _Schr_ _Sco_ _Sha_ _Sho_ _Sle_ _Sni_ _Spr_ _Ste_ _Str_ _Sva_ _Tab_ _Tay_ _Tig_ _Tub_ _Ube_ _Vag_ _Vas_ _Wac_ _Wal_ _Wat_ _Wel_ _Whi_ _Wil_ _Wit_ _Wyn_ _Yac_ _You_ _Zac_

Then, assuming that you find the forename and surname on the page, you get info along with the name, the date of death , volume #, and page number. So, make a note when the name you want is found of the volume # and page number and use the links below to go to close to the page for the volume you want and page forward or back to the page you want in that volume. The links below are generally in increments of 5 pages. [Note that if it says "page blank", there were no records on that page of the book, and hence no link provided. If it says "page missing", then there were missing pages which may have had names or may have been blanks pages.]:

____Volume 1 , 1868-1884
-p1 blank- _2_ _5_ _10_ _15_ _20_ _25_ _30_ _35_ _40_ _45_ _50_ _55_ _60_ _65_ _70_ _73_ -pp74-75 blank- _76_ _80_ _85_ _90_ _95_ _100_ _105_ _110_ _115_ _120_ _125_ _131_ -pp132-133 blank- _134_ _140_ _145_ _150_ _155_ _160_ _163_ -pp164-165 blank- _166_ _170_ _175_ _179_ -pp180-181 blank- _182_ _185_ _190_ _195_ _200_ _205_ _210_ _215_ _220_ _227_ -pp228-229 blank- _230_ _235_ -pp236-237 blank- _238_ _240_ _245_ _250_ _255_ _260_ _267_ -pp268-269 blank- _270_ _275_ _280_ _285_ _290_ _295_ _300_ _307_ -p308 blank-pp309-316 missing-p317 blank- _318_ _320_ _325_ _327_ -p328 blank-pp329-332 missing-p333 blank- _334_ _340_ _345_ _347_ -pp348-349 blank- _350_ _355_ _360_ _365_ -pp366 blank-pp367-372 missing-p373 blank- _374_ _380_ _385_ _390_ _395_ _400_ _405_ _411_ -p412 blank-pp413-416 missing-p417 blank- _418_ _419_ -pp420 blank-pp421-424 missing-p425 blank- _426_ _429_ -pp430 blank-pp431-432 missing-p433 blank- _434_ _440_ _445_ _450_ _453_ -pp454 blank-pp455-456 missing-p457 blank- _459_ -pp460 blank-pp461-462 missing-p463 blank- _464_ _465_ -pp466 blank-pp467-470 missing-p471 blank- _472_ _473_ -pp474-475 blank- _476_ -pp477-478 missing- _479_ -end of book-

____Volume 2, 1884-1893
_1_ _4_ -pp5-6 blank- _7_ _10_ _15_ _20_ _24_ -pp25-26 blank- _27_ _30_ _35_ _40_ _45_ _46_ -pp47-48 missing- _49_ _50_ _52_ -pp53-54 blank- _55_ _60_ _61_ -pp62-64 blank- _65_ _70_ _73_ -pp74-75 blank- _76_ _80_ _85_ _89_ -pp90-93 blank- _94_ -p95 blank- _96_ _100_ _105_ _110_ _115_ _120_ _125_ _130_ _133_ -pp134-136 blank- _137_ _140_ _144_ -pp145-146 blank- _147_ _149_ -pp150-152 blank- _153_ _155_ _160_ _165_ _168_ -pp169-173 blank- _174_ _175_ _180_ _185_ _190_ _193_ -pp194-195 blank- _196_ _200_ _208_ _210_ _215_ _220_ _222_ -pp223-234 blank- _235_ _238_ -end of book-

____Volume 3, 1893-1896
-pp1-2 blank- _3_ _4_ -pp5-7 blank- _8_ _10_ _15_ -pp16 blank-pp17-33 missing- _34_ _38_ -p39 blank-pp44-49 missing- _50_ _53_ -p54 blank-pp55-62 missing-p63 blank- _64_ _65_ -p66 blank-pp67-70 missing-p71 blank- _72_ _75_ _79_ -pp80-85 missing- _86_ _91_ -pp92-106 missing- _107_ -pp108-110 missing- _111_ _112_ -pp113-116 missing- _117_ _121_ -pp122-125 missing- _126_ _129_ -pp130-136 missing- _137_ _140_ _142_ -pp143-155 missing- _156_ _157_ -pp158-159 missing- _161_ -pp162-166 missing- _167_ _168_ -pp169-172 missing- _173_ _175_ -pp176-179 missing- _180_ _185_ -pp186-195 missing- _196_ _200_ _204_ -pp205-220 missing- _221_ _222_ -pp223-233 missing- _234_ -p235 missing- _236_ pp237-238 missing- _239_ _240_ _243_ -p244 blank-pp245-248 missing- _249_ -pp250-263 missing- _264_ -end of book-

____Volume 4, 1896-1904
_1_ _5_ _9A_ _9_ _10_ _15_ -p16 missing- _20_ _25_ _30_ _35_ _40_ -p43 blank- _45_ _50_ _54_ -pp55-56 blank- _60_ -p62 blank- _65_ _70_ -pp71-74 blank- _75_ _80_ _85_ -p87 blank- _90_ _95_ _100_ -pp104-110 blank- _111_ -pp112-114 blank- _115_ -p120 blank- _121_ -p122 blank- _125_ _130_ _135_ _140_ -p144 blank-pp145-146 missing- _147_ _150_ _155_ _160_ -pp163-167 blank- _168_ _170_ -p173 blank- _175_ -pp178-180 blank- _181_ _184_ -pp185-187 blank- _188_ _190_ _195_ _200_ _205_ _208_ -pp209-213 blank- _214_ _220_ _225_ _230_ _235_ -p240 blank- _241_ _246_ -pp247-255 blank- _256_ -p257 blank- _258_ _260_ _265_ _270_ _274_ _288_ _290_ _293_ -end of book-

____Volume 5, 1904-1909
_1_ _5_ -pp6-7 blank- _10_ _15_ _20_ _23_ -pp24-30 blank- _31_ _35_ _40_ _46_ _50_ _53_ -pp54-58 blank- _59_ _61_ -pp62-65 blank- _66_ _71_ -pp72-77 blank- _78_ _80_ _85_ -pp86-90 blank- _91_ _95_ _101_ -pp102-113 blank- _114_ -pp115-117 blank- _118_ _121_ -pp122-125 blank- _126_ _130_ _134_ -pp135-136 blank- _137_ _140_ _144_ -pp145-149 blank- _150_ _155_ _160_ _163_ -pp164-170 blank- _171_ _174_ -pp175-176 blank- _177_ _179_ -pp180-183 blank- _184_ _186_ -pp187-190 blank- _191_ _195_ -p200 blank- _201_ _205_ _209_ -pp210-216 blank- _217_ _220_ _225_ _230_ _234_ -pp235-243 blank- _244_ _248_ -pp249-258 blank- _259_ -p260 blank- _261_ -p263 blank- _265_ _270_ _273_ -pp274-292 blank- _293_ -pp294-296 blank- _297_ _298_ -end of book-

==== Part 4 - Lucas County Death Certificates of 1925-1940 for townships outside of Toledo [Note: This is a bound book and all pages not scanned were blank, so this book is not missing pages.]============

Death records 1925-1927 --A-- --B-- --C-- --D-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --no I-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --no Q-- --R-- --S-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --no X-- --Y-- --Z--

Death records 1928-1929 --A-- --B-- --C-- --D-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --I-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --no Q-- --R-- --S-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --no X-- --Y-- --Z--

Death records 1930-1932 --A-- --B-- --C-- --D-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --I-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --no Q-- --R-- --S-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --no X-- --Y-- --Z--

Death records 1933-1934 --A-- --B-- --C-- --D-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --I-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --no O-- --P-- --Q-- --R-- --S-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --no X-- --Y-- --Z--

Death records 1935-1940 --A-- --B-- --C-- --D-- --E-- --F-- --G-- --H-- --I-- --J-- --K-- --L-- --M-- --Mc-- --N-- --O-- --P-- --Q-- --R-- --S-- --T-- --U-- --V-- --W-- --no X-- --Y-- --Z--

==== Part 5 - Lucas County Death Certificates of 1908-1970 =======================================================================

How to Find Lucas County Death Certificates using Death Certificate Numbers:

Ohio History Connection website can be used to obtain a death certificate number and death date for 1913-1970 (with some missing years)
At this website, search by name and by date range and put the text "Lucas" in the county field. The years covered for stillborns is 1913-1935, and 1942-1953. The years covered for adults is 1913-1944, and 1954-1970. The result will be the name, date of death and the death certificate number.
From there, an uncertified scanned copy can be ordered at current price. [ As of 2022, it was $0.25/each .] [Note: Images can be copied from 1954-1970 for free by diving to the Columbus Officee of OHC.]
But, there are free certificates available from 1908 to 1953. See below 3 procedures.


1. Note year-of-death for the deceased person
2. Use the Ohio History Connection search website (for the years 1913-1944, and 1954-1970) to find the death certificate number. [for years 1909-1913, & 1945-1953 see procedure 2; and for post-1970 years, see Procedure 3.]
3. From the dropdown menu field for the field "county", select "Lucas". [i.e. restricts search to just Lucas County deaths]
4. Input the year-or-death as a range (i.e. min/max)
5. Input the surname and forename. [This can be a partial starting text. For example, "Mil" finds any surname that starts with "Mil".]
6. From the list of names, find the name. Then, record the death certificate number. [Note: Sometimes they don't record the Ohio State number, but the Lucas County number. So, for those cases, use procedure 2.]
7. Window to the FamilySearch website Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953
[note: the certificates only go up to 1953 online, so to get certificates 1954-present, see procedure 3 below.].
8. Tag the link for the noted year-of-death in step 1
9. On this page, tag the appropriate link range of the desired certificate number recorded in step 6
10. On this page, the certificate numbers are in incremental order, so use iteration to locate the noted certificate number. [That is, keep taking the halfway page number, until the cert number stamped in the upper right of the certification is close, then page one at a time to find it. I usually start with typing in page 1000, then I roughly figure ~1.1 pages per certificate, to either add or subtract pages & then type in the new page. It usually can be iterated to in 6-7 attempts.]
11. Once located, the certificate can be copied as an uncertified death certificate. The URL can be copied from the web-browser header as a citation.
1. If the death year was 1954-1990, find the info for the deceased person in procedure 1 or procedure 2 above.
2. Write down the name, year-of-death and any certification numbers.
3. If the year-of-death is >1990, then just write down the name and year-of-death.
4. For a purchased electronic copy of a death certificate 1954-1970, the OHC website will print out a certificate copy and Email it to you for a charge of $7/each (as of 2021).
5. For a free electronic copy of a death certificate 1954-1970, the OHC iLibrary n Columbus will allow you to make copies to your laptop at no charge. You will need to make an appointment to visit here. But, this requires a 5hr round-trip dive and the library has limited hours, so only so many certificates can be copied.
6. For a free electronic copy of a death certificate 1954-present, visit the Lucas County Health Dept. in Toledo, use the ground floor entrance on the left side facing the building, after a wait in line, the health dept employee (downtown Toledo) will print out an "office-use-only' stamped copy and hold it up to the glass so you can read it for free or take a quick photo of it. Give them the cert#, if you have it, or just the information about name and date of death. [This "viewing" is required of them due to Ohio's Sunshine Laws.]
7. For a purchased paper copy of a death certificate 1954-present, follow step 6 above, except the Health Dept. will print out a certificate copy for you for a charge of $25/each (as of 2021).


===== Part 6 - [For those people either at a Library or that have a paid subscription to Ancestry.com]
Ohio, U.S., Death Records, 1908-1932, 1938-2018 - Tag this link

Then, from the Ancestry search screen fill in as much info as known and search. [As a suggestion, fill in the death location as "Lusacounty, Ohio" and check "exact" - this will limit the results to just Lucas County deaths. Also, if the month of burial is known, but not the month of dte, then assume at first that the death was 4 days before the burial date.] Typically, the date-of death, the Ohio reg.# is listed and the Lucas County reg# are referenced on the results. Then, use part 4 to get the death certificate using one of those reg. numbers and/or the exact date of death listed. [You may need to pull more than one death certificate to locate the correct one.]


©Copyright of the LCCHA, These images are free for copying on FamilySearch, created 27Sep2021, updated 4May2023 http://www.lccemetery.org