
Here is list of maps of Historic Woodlawn Cemetery in Toledo, Ohio, USA. [ - created by the Lucas County Cemeteries Historical Association (LCCHA) ] . If anyone finds an error in any of these maps, please send an Email to: lccemetery{atsign}bex.net , or visit our website.
This cemetery are all purchased lots, with no common graves. The divisions are sections, composed of lots, sometimes composed of sub-lots (blocks), and finally composed of individual graves. Sections are 1-15, 18-49, 51-52, 67, & 77, plus 8A, 8B, 21A, 21AX, 23A-23F, 23V, 23babyland, 38A, 40A, 47B, 47C, 47E, and UG. Section UG is listed at the end and the UG is short for "Urn Garden" and also has niches named UGN. There is also a section Lake, which is the central lake used to scatter ashes sometimes from the bridge and 2 vaults for ashes called sections 40A and UTCG, as shown in the overall map.

These maps were a result of many hours of volunteer dedication and service. If anyone finds a benefit to using these maps to save their time in finding a loved one or ancestor, please consider a small donation to our charity to cover minor expenses. Use the home button above and scroll down to donations and endowments.

Overview Map of Historic Woodlawn Cemetery, showing all sections

Detail maps of each section [note: some are work-in-progress, so links will occur when e finish the map]

Section 1 map - east portion --- --- middle part --- --- west portion
Section 2 map
Section 3 map
Section 4 map
Section 5 map
Section 6 map
Section 7 map - note: researching, Most likely will be in the SE corner of the cemetery, but not platted yet..............
Section 8 map
Section 8A map
Section 8B map
Section 9 map
Section 10 map
Section 11 map
Section 12 map
Section 13 map
Section 14 map
Section 14CR map
Section 15 map
Sections 16 to 18 do not exist
Section 19 map
Section 20 map
Section 21 map
Section 21A map
Section 21AX map
Section 22 map
Section 23 Overall map ---- Section 23babyland map ---- Section 23A map ---- Section 23B map ---- Section 23C map ---- Section 23D map ---- Section 23E map ---- Section 23F map ---- Section 23V map
Section 24 map
Section 25 map east end (lots 49, 62-64, & 72)--- --- center (lots 1-48, 50-58, 60, 61, 71, & 73-75)--- --- west end (lots 59, 65-70, & 76-86) ---
Section 25AA map
Section 26 map - north (lots 1-3, 7-87, & 139-144) --- Section 26 map - south (lots 4-6, 88-138, 144-193, & cremation garden)
Section 27 map
Section 28 map
Section 29 map - North (lots 2-11, 71-125, 317-321, 416-480, & 561-579)---- --- Section 29 map Center (lots 12-21, 126-187, 299-316, 322-415, & 481-484) Block B and Block C --- --- Section 29 map - South (lots 22-28, 188-298, & 485-560 --- ---
[Note: no lots 1 & 29-70 exist in section 29]
....Section 29, Block A map (small lots 1-129, see dark outline)
....Section 29, Block B (lots 1-110, see dark outline)
....Section 29, Block C (lots 1-4, 37-39, 41-44, & 77-80; see dark outline)
Section 30 - lots 1 thru 64D (center area)--- --- lots 1 thru 696 (south)--- --- lots 697 thru 1296 (north)---
Section 31 map
Section 32 map - North portion --- --- South portion ---
Section 33 map - North portion --- --- South portion---
Section 34 map
Section 35 map
Section 36 map - North portion -- ---South Portion
Section 37 map
Section 38 map
Section 38A map
Section 39 map (lots 1-184, somewhat random locations)
Section 40 map - North (lots 1-54, 79 & 81-86) [note no lot#'s >86]--- --- Section 40 map - South (lots 55-78 & 80) ---
Section 40A map
[This is a single vault. So, there is no lot detail.
Section 41 map ---- Detail of GAR lot 92 - wings 1 thru 5 [i.e. 5 PDF pages ]
Section 42 map - North (lots 39-136)--- --- Section 42 map - South (lots 1-38, & 137-150) ---

Section 43 map (lots 1-246)
Section 44 map (lots 1, & 21-176 )
Section 45 map
Section 46 map - note: a work-in-progress ..............
Section 47 map (blocks B, C & E) [aka: Lawn Crypt garden]
Section 48 map - note: a work-in-progress ..............
Section 49 map - note: does not exist to date..............
Section 50 map - note: does not exist to date.................
Section 51 map (lots 1-7 & 256)
Section 52 map - future map i.e.: Entire section sold and no burials yet and not yet platted..............
Sections 53 to 66 - does not exist to date..............
Sections 67, 67A & 67B map
Sections 68 to 76 - does not exist to date.................
Section 77 map - North (Mausoleum, graves 377-1355, & 1419-1843)--- --- Section 77 map - South (graves 1-376, & 1356-1418) ---
Note: No numbered sections higher number than 77 .
Section UG & UGN map [note: AKA Urn Garden and Urn Garden Niches, respectively]


LCCHA copy policy All of these maps are free for copying, modifying and for non-commercial usage with LCCHA & author attribution (CC_BY-NC-SA_vers4).

created 2021, revised 2024Nov13, .-- home --.