
Name: Barracks
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 1
Description: This is the lair of the Smith, the replacement for the Butcher from the original Diablo, and the Horadric Malus which you need for the fifth quest. Make sure to find the fabled axe before continuing on into the Jail.
Linked to: Inner Cloister

Name: Black Marsh
Act: 1
Indoor: No
Description: One of the final outdoor areas in Act 1, when you reach here you are getting close to the final monastery. Be careful as the monsters start to get tough around this area.
Waypoint: Yes
Linked to: Forgotten Tower, Tamoe Highlands, Hole, Dark Wood

Name: Blood Moor
Act: 1
Indoor: No
Description: The first location with enemies that you will find, this large outdoor region is directly outside the Rogue Encampment. It also houses the Den of Evil, the location of your first quest.
Linked to: Den of Evil, Cold Plains, Rogue Encampment

Name: Burial Grounds
Act: 1
Indoor: No
Description: You're in for a tough fight as part of the second quest in this area, as you fight a lightning quick rogue with good bow skills and the ability to raise undead. This fight is no joke, so come prepared.
Linked to: Crypt, Mausoleum, Cold Plains

Name: Cave
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 2
Description: One of the various optional indoor areas throughout Act 1. It will several small treasure troves on the second level but nothing worth working too hard for. Mainly a good source of extra experience.
Linked to: Cold Plains

Name: Cold Plains
Act: 1
Indoor: No
Description: Once you have finished the Den of Evil quest, Flavie will let you into the Cold Plains, the next outdoor region in Act 1.
Waypoint: Yes
Linked to: Stony Field, Burial Grounds, Blood Moor, Cave

Name: Crypt
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 1
Description: A small indoor area that you can enter from the Graveyard before or after defeating Blood Raven. A fair amount of treasure and interesting monsters can be found here.
Linked to: Burial Grounds

Name: Dark Wood
Act: 1
Indoor: No
Description: Holds the fabled Tree of Inifuss which you must find to complete the third quest in Act 1. Another large outdoor region.
Waypoint: Yes
Linked to: Black Marsh, Underground Passage

Name: Den of Evil
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 1
Description: Location of the first quest. You need to kill all the monsters in this indoor cave to complete Akara's wishes.
Linked to: Blood Moor

Name: Forgotten Tower
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 1
Description: Entrance to the fourth quest. Finding this will active the quest, as will finding the Moldy Tome in an earlier area.
Linked to: Tower Cellar, Black Marsh

Name: Hole
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 2
Description: Another optional area with minor treasure at the bottom.
Linked to: Black Marsh

Name: Inner Cloister
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 1
Description: This is the first central area of the monastery. Lots of interesting pillars and the fountain that used to be in one of the Yegg's Tavern graphics are found in this place.
Waypoint: Level 1
Linked to: Barracks, Monastery Gate

Name: Mausoleum
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 1
Description: Another small area that you can enter from the Burial Grounds. It's worth it to explore this for the extra experience and treasure.
Linked to: Burial Grounds

Name: Monastery Gate
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 1
Description: A small area which brings you into the monastery. Actually a tough place to fight because of the transparent overlay of the monastery front wall.
Linked to: Inner Cloister, Tamoe Highlands

Name: Pit
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 2
Description: A small optional area off of the Tamoe Highlands provides one last chance for experience and gold before entering the Monastery.
Linked to: Tamoe Highlands

Name: Rogue Encampment
Act: 1
Indoor: No
Description: The town for Act 1. You will of course spend a lot of time shopping here and this is the place where your town portals end up. This is the very first location in the game.
Waypoint: Yes
Linked to: Blood Moor

Name: Stony Field
Act: 1
Indoor: No
Description: This outdoor region holds the mysterious Cairn Stones which will play a big part in one of your Act 1 quests.
Waypoint: Yes
Linked to: Underground Passage, Tristram, Cold Plains

Name: Tamoe Highlands
Act: 1
Indoor: No
Description: The last outdoor area in Act 1, it's basically just a preliminary to the Monastery, which links directly off of it.
Linked to: Monastery Gate, Pit, Black Marsh

Name: Tower Cellar
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 5
Description: Underneath the Forgotten Tower, this dark area is the lair of the Countess, the boss for the fourth quest. If you beat her, many treasures including magical items will be given to you.
Linked to: Forgotten Tower

Name: Tristram
Act: 1
Indoor: No
Description: You can return to the beloved town from the original Diablo, but this time, it's in ruins. Be sure to click on the cow corpse near the portal leading in. Here you'll face a zombified Griswold while attempting to rescue Deckard Cain.
Linked to: Stony Field

Name: Underground Passage
Act: 1
Indoor: Yes
Levels: 2
Description: The passage between the Stony Field and the Dark Wood. There is an optional second level that has some extra gold lying around.
Linked to: Dark Wood, Stony Field


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