Tröa Chuû nhaät 24 thaùng 6 naêm 2001, nhaèm ngaøy 4 thaùng Naêm naêm Taân Tî, hoäi toå chöùc tuïng kinh nghi-thöùc Tònh Ñoä taïi chuøa do ÑH Minh-Quyù Leâ Ñình Yeân Phuù chuû leã, ÑH Nguyeân-Löïc Leâ Ñöùc Huøng duy na, ÑH Nguyeân-Hoøa Nguyeãn Danh Khôûi duyeät chuùng. Ñaïi chuùng coù 93 ngöôøi tham döï.
The Young Buddhists from GÐPT Hai Ðúc arrived early from 10am for their activities, as well as the ladies for preparing lunch. They started by cleaning up the halls, the altars, putting up the fruits, arranging the flowers. The youngest members of the Buddhist Family studied Vietnamese under the guidance of Upasika Nguyên-Diêu Nguyên Xuân Mai, while the grown ups met with their leaders for group meeting and activities on the temple grounds. Later, they all met with the members of Tâm Chánh Buddhist Family arriving from Orlando, had their activities and meetings together until late in the afternoon.
Huynh tröôûng vaø ñoaøn sinh GÑPT Haûi Ñöùc leân chuøa sôùm töø 10 giôø saùng ñeå sinh hoaït, cuøng vôùi caùc baùc trong ban trai soaïn ñeán naáu aên tröa. Caùc em queùt doïn baùn thôø vaø chaùnh ñieän, chöng hoa quaû. Caùc Oanh Vuõ theo coâ giaùo ÑH Nguyeãn Xuaân Mai vaøo lôùp hoïc tieáng Vieät, caùc ñoaøn sinh lôùn theo caùc huynh tröôûng ra saân hoïp ñoaøn vaø sinh hoaït. Sau ñoù, caùc ñoaøn sinh tieáp tuïc hoïp vaø sinh hoaït cuøng caùc ñoaøn sinh vaø huynh tröôûng GÑPT Taâm Chaùnh, döôùi söï höôùng daãn cuûa HT Taâm-Trình Nguyeãn Ñöùc Thaïo, ñeán töø Orlando, maõi ñeán chieàu. The ladies helping with the vegetarian lunch were seen under the supervision of Upasika Nghiêm-Ngoc Nguyên Thi My Hông, head cook, Upasikas Nguyên Thi Thúy Vân, Hanh Ryan, Hô Thi Ðê, Phan Thi Du, Bùi Thi Chuong, Lý Nguyêt Huong, Nguyên Thi Nghiêm Lê ... The offerings were made by Mrs Qùy a case of oranges and apples, Mrs Hiêu of a case of tofu and a 50lb bag of carrot, Mrs Nguyên Thi Thúy Vân of winter melons, Mrs Chuong of sweet relishes and sweet dumplings, Mrs Ðúc of sticky rice ... May them be blessed for their good deeds!
Quyù baø phuï beáp trong ban Trai soaïn, döôùi söï höôùng daãn cuûa ÑH tröôûng ban Nghieâm-Ngoïc Nguyeãn Thò Myõ Hoàng, hoâm nay coù ÑH Nguyeãn Thò Thuùy Vaân, Haïnh Ryan, Hoà Thò Ñeâ, Phan Thò Dö, Buøi Thò Chöông, Lyù Nguyeät Höông, Nguyeãn Thò Nghieâm Leä ... Baø Quyø cuùng moät thuøng cam, taùo, baø Hieáu cuùng moät thuøng ñaäu phuï vaø moät bao boá caø roát, baø Nguyeãn Thò Thuùy Vaân cuùng boán traùi baàu, baø Chöông cuùng cheø ñaäu xanh boät baùn vaø cheø troâi nöôùc, baø Ñöùc cuùng xoâi ... Nguyeän chö Phaät gia hoä cho quyù vò! After the noon service, participants gathered for the lunch, consisting of tofu loaves, french fries, fried rice vermicelli, fried tofu in chili and lemon grass, sour soup, watermelon soup ... served on rice, with desserts. The ladies stayed late for cleaning up, as well as the members of the Young Buddhist Group. May them be well and safe!
Sau buoåi leã, ñaïi chuùng vaøo trai phoøng duøng côm chay, coù chaû luïa chay (ñaäu phuï), khoai taây chieân, buùn xaøo, ñaäu phuï xaøo saû ôùt, canh chua, baàu luoäc chaám töông, côm traéng, traùng mieäng. Quyù baø ôû laïi treã röûa noài nieâu, lau chuøi queùt doïn cuøng vôùi caùc em trong Gia Ñình Phaät Töû. Nguyeän taát caû ñöôïc moïi söï an laïc! Minh Quang ghi June 24, 2001 |