Countess Aelis (Adele) Parvie Patia Bar-Sur-Aube


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Count Otho Eudes de Vermandois

Countess Aelis (Adele) Parvie Patia Bar-Sur-Aube

  • Born: 1010
  • Marriage: Count Otho Eudes de Vermandois
  • Died: 1032 at age 22


Countess married Count Otho Eudes de Vermandois, son of Herbert III de Vermandois and Ermengarde Bar. (Count Otho Eudes de Vermandois was born in 1000 in Vermandois, Aisne, Picardie, France and died in 1043 in St. Nicholas, Villa de Coutances, Normandy, France.)

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