CK Productions Pricing
Package 1 Your video will consist of 2 clips (25-45photographs per clip) with music for each clip. You will also receive standard text (title and dedication). $160.00
Package 2 Your video will consist of 3 clips with music for each clip. You will also receive standard text. $175.00 Package 3 Your video will consist of 4 clips with music for each clip. You will also receive standard text. $190.00 Package 4 Your video will consist of 5 clips with music for each clip. You will also receive standard text. A personalized label and sleeve will also be include with this package. $200.00 Each additional clip ... $50.00 Personalized packaging (custom VCR tape label ) ... $10.00 Additional copies ... $10.00 Shipping & Handling (in the continental US)... $10.00 for video Plus an additional. . . $10.00 for returning your pictures Overnight Shipping ... $20.00 Scanning oversized pictures ... $3.00/picture Photo touch-up ... $5.00/picture Extra titles ... $1.00/title After you receive your video you will have 3 days to make any editing choices After the 3 days any changes will be an additional charge.
CK Productions 219-797-5271