The property, itself an odd shape with the road cutting off what would be the corner of a regular plot, is outlined in trees. They and the wall surrounding the place keep it private and secure. Beyond the trees, there is what once was an elegant and perfectly manicured garden. It has grown wild over the years, but as such has its own beauty. An old fountain survives at the heart of the wild green, along with a few other statues.

Towards the bottom of the garden is a long shed. This place holds supplies and storage for the maintenance of the house and its security.

The house is of brick. Subtle changes in the bricks show which parts were original, and which added later on. Ivy drapes the walls, crawling up from the foundation, and dripping down from the roof. Trees nearly as tall as the building help camoflage its size. The wooden trim is off-white. The balcony style porches at each floor are cupped within trees. Not much of a distant view, but a lovely sense of privacy for anyone using a balcony.

The curving gravel path leads to a parking lot, and then the house itself. The circular porch covers two porch swings, comfortable wicker seating, and the wide main doors of the house. Panes of stained glass in an ivy pattern frame the doors.

Raleigh House
The Laws of Elysium
The First Floor
The Second Floor
The Third Floor
The Fourth Floor
The Fifth Floor