The most aggressive and competitive of the three clans, Shell Clanners consist primarily of fishers, divers and drummers.  Their village is built in a crescent shape just at the edge of the jungle, on the beach.  Their houses consist of clay and grass huts with thatched roofs of bamboo and palm leaves. 

Shell Clanners often hold games of physical strength and skill.  These include a form of foot-fighting similar to martial arts, throwing (using bolos, spears and maces), and wrestling.  They are also host to some of the wildest parties, when the drummers of all three clans will get together and play.  Guests from Great Water Holt are always welcomed to participate in these events.

Surfing is a popular pastime for Shell Clanners.  In order to catch the good waves, though, they journey out and around the northern point to Clam Island, a little atoll just off the eastern coast.  Here they ride the big waves that crash into the steep cliffs of Clan Island's "backbone."  They also dig for clams and hold overnight parties, sleeping wherever they collapse.  Then it's up the next morning, grab the sticks, and hit the crests all over again!

TallRock (Lee Horsley) - Height: 4'7"  Build: lean muscle  Hair: red, fine thin beard  Eyes: green  Personality: heavy charisma, biting sense of humor, wry wit.  Fair-minded and affectionate.  Fought in the Great Battle (II).

Sharpwing (Marc Singer) - Height: 4'5"  Build: lean  Hair: blond  Eyes: pale blue  Personality: jovial.  Skills/Talent: swift runner and hunter.  Killer smile.  Once called "Whistlewind."

CLANNERS (in alphabetical order)
Airdart (Fairuza Balk) - Height: 3'6"  Build: Small  Hair: Short, deep red, spiky Eyes: Pale green, catty, thick black lashes  Personality: Clever.  Skills/Talent: Hunter, using blowgun.  Fought in the Great Battle II.

(Richard Greico) - Height: 4'0"  Build: Buff  Hair: Blue-black, swept back from face, to shoulders.  Eyes: Witchy green.  Personality: Cunning and deadly.  Skills/Talent: Hunter/warrior; uses throwing knives, arrow sling.  Surfer.  Animal sending.  A wanderer.  Fought in Great Battle II.  Brother of Blackskimmer.

Bearpaws (Peter Deluise) - Height: 4'6"  Build: Big, bearlike  Hair: Wavy golden brown, to shoulders. Eyes: soulful brown  Personality: Warm and friendly.  Skills/Talent: Hunter/warrior, using axe and mace; fought in Great Battle II.  Does a lot of heavy work (lifting, etc) wherever needed.

(Richard Dean Anderson) - Height: 4'6"  Build: Sinewy  Hair: short, silvery blond Eyes: brown  Personality: wise-cracking, personable.  Skills/Talent: farsight; watcher and keeper of the calling conch,  Likes to fish.  Lovemate of Twopipes.

Blackskimmer (John Stamos) - Height: 3'11"  Build: Not quite as buff as his brother  Hair: Short black shag. Eyes: Hazel  Personality: Easy-going.  Skills/Talent: Fisher.  Fought in Great Battle II, using sword.  Brother of Aspmark. Wanderer.

Breaker (Michael Deluise) - Height: 3'7"  Build: Stocky, muscular  Hair: Sunstreaked blond, to shoulders. Eyes: Honey brown  Personality: Energetic, carefree.  Skills/Talent: Surfer; clam digger.

(Michael Hurst) - Height: 3'7"  Build: compact, muscular  Hair: shaggy white blond, to shoulders  Eyes: pale blue Personality: a little hyper, very bubbly and funny  Skills/Talent:  fisher, surfer, diver, runner, foot-fighter 

Cane (David Duchovny) - Height: 4'6"  Build: lanky  Hair: red-auburn, to shoulders  Eyes: green  Personality: dry sense of humor, observant, witty  Skills/Talent:  hunter, poet. 

Caplily (Anne Heche) - Height: 3'10"  Build: Waiflike Hair: White blonde pixie. Eyes: Large, blue-violent  Personality: Shy, reserved.  Skills/Talent: Hunter; uses arrowsling.  Fought in Great Battle II.  Daughter of Mistflower.  Father and brother died during exodus.  Niece of Catstone.  Cousin of Mistcat.

(Kurt Russell) - Height: 4'3"  Build: Long-waisted, lean muscles.  Hair: Blond dreadlocks, just past shoulders. Eyes: Blue-green  Personality: Easy-going, but intense when it comes to his work.  Skills/Talent: Boatmaker.  Footfighter, hand-to-hand; uses knives, axe and club.  Fought in Great Battle II.

(Virginia Madsen) - Height: 4'3"  Build: shapely  Hair: long, white-blonde, portions pulled back in braids and amber beads  Eyes: sultry blue  Personality: coy, bemused  Skills/Talent: paints pottery  Daughter of Stoneready and sister of Rockroot.  Lovemate of Pounder; came down from Stone Clan to be with him.

Coralbranch (Jason Scott Lee) - Height: 4'5"  Build: Long, lean  Hair: Black, to shoulders.  Eyes: Brown, almond-shaped.  Personality: Cheerful, laid-back.  Skills/Talent: Spear-fisher.  Fought in Great Battle II, using spear, throwing blades.  Son of Heartleaf.  Brother of Crowflight and Tideswirl.  Nephew of Catstone. Cousin of Mistcat.

Cranehawk (Bruce Payne) - Height: 4'4"  Build: Lean and powerful.  Hair: Short, golden blond curls.  Eyes: Piercing hazel-green.  Personality: Cunning, biting sense of humor.  Skills/Talent: Bowhunter.  Fought in Great Battle II. 

Crowflight (Brandon Lee) - Height: 4'3"  Build: Lean  Hair: long, white-blonde, portions pulled back in braids and amber beads  Eyes: sultry blue  Personality: coy, bemused  Skills/Talent: Glider; hunter.  Fought in Great Battle II, using hand-to-hand and daggers.  Brother of Coralbranch and Tideswirl.  Nephew of Catstone.

DawnFire (Laura Prepon) - Height: 4'2"  Build: long-limbed and shapely  Hair: Flame red, straight, to shoulders  Eyes: blue and catty  Personality: friendly, dry wit, straightforward.  Skills/Talent: drumming, macrame jewelry.  Interested in and amused by Wily of Great Water Holt.  Daughter of Ramwatch, sub-chief of Hill Clan, and Dawndew.

Dunetreader (Oded Fehr) - Height: 4'5"  Build: Lean, hard and powerful.  Hair: Thick, black waves, to shoulders; thin beard and mustache.  Eyes: Piercing amber brown.  Personality: Quiet, quick, easy-going, graceful.  Skills/Talent: Warrior; has farsight and can sense storms.  Fought in Great Battle II.  Wanderer who came into the Clans before the exodus.

(Brendan Fraser) - Height: 4'8"  Build: Leanly muscled  Hair: light auburn, to shoulders  Eyes: blue, sleepy and thoughtful  Personality: quiet, always seems to be in a world of his own  Skills/Talent: spear fishing

Foam (Jessica Lange) - Height: 4'5"  Build: willowy Hair: fluffy golden curls  Eyes: sultry hazel  Personality: soft-spoken and nurturing  Skills/Talents: net mending, cooking.  Mate of Kicker.  Mother of adolescent son Clownfish.

Glowbee (Renee O'Connor) - Height: 4'2'  Build: slender but well-toned  Hair: short, fluffy strawberry blonde  Eyes: blue  Personality: outgoing.  Skills/Talent: fleet runner, agile foot-fighter, hunter, climber, fisher. 

Heartleaf (Judi Dench) - Height: 3'5"  Build: Pleasingly plump  Hair: Short, straight, silvery cap.  Eyes: Slightly catty, pale blue.  Personality: Hottentot.  Skills/Talent: Gathers shells, makes necklaces; elderly.  Best friends with Mistflower, with whom she shared a lifemate in Catstone's younger brother, Wingcat, a glider.  Mother of three, Coralbranch, Tideswirl and Crowflight.

Hutbuilder (David Soul) - Height: 4'4"  Build: Tall, lean; strong arms.  Hair: short, wheat-blond.  Eyes: Pale blue.  Personality: Likes to pick on buddy Starry Sky; adores him just the same.  Skills/Talent: Carpentry; singing.  Fought in the Great Battle II. 

(Mikhail Baryshnikov) - Height: 4'5"  Build: compact, muscular  Hair: ash blond, short shag  Eyes: blue, deepset and sleepy  Personality: wicked sense of humor, warm and welcoming.  Skills/Talent: dancer.  Mate of Foam.   Father of adolescent son Clownfish.

(David McCallum) - Height: 3'8""  Build: slight  Hair: blond, bowl cut Eyes: blue  Personality: Quiet, reserved.  Skills/Talent: firestarter.  Lost lifemate during exodus, recently lost lovemate Hotblood (nee, Brownstone) in the Great Battle.

Mistflower (Debbie Reynolds) - Height: 3'4"  Build: Pleasingly plump  Hair: Silvery-white curls, to collar.  Eyes: Deep blue.  Personality: Sweet.  Skills/Talent: Storm sensing.  Shared a lifemate with Heartleaf long ago, the younger brother of Catstone and a glider, Wingcat; he died on the exodus.  Mother of two, one dead, the other Caplily.

Misty (Anna Chlumsky) - Height: 3'6"  Build: gangly  Hair: long, golden  Eyes: hazel  Personality: a real charmer.  Adolescent.  Father Whiteflower died in the Howling Wind.

Orchid (Glenn Close) - Height: 4'1"  Build: reed-slender  Hair: short, white  Eyes: lavender  Personality: gentle, music-loving.  Skills/Talent:  healer.  Daughter of Shearer and Stonelily.

Paddlefoot (Bob Denver) - Height: 4'1"  Build: skinny  Hair: shaggy auburn with goatee  Eyes: hazel  Personality: laid-back, funny, goofy.  Skills/Talent: swimmer. 

Pounder (Kiefer Sutherland) - Height: 4'5"  Build: lean and muscular  Hair: thick, white, long and unruly, with braids on either side of his face   Eyes: pale blue-green  Personality: a real booger, dry sense of humor, jovial  Skills/Talent:  drummer  Lovemate of Clearamber, brother in all but blood to Spitter.  Smokes dreamberry leaves.

Rags (Michael Wincott) - Height: 4'3"  Build: Stick-thin  Hair: wild, ash blond mop, usually with a scarf tied around his forehead  Eyes: pale blue  Personality: laughs at everything, unless it's really serious (like death); wild and crazy.  Skills/Talent: drummer and surfer.  Son of Tallow.  Likes dreamberries in any form, even the leaves. Big nose.

Salty (Mila Kunis) - Height: 3'6"  Build: Sleek, catlike.  Hair:  Deep auburn, to shoulders, thick curls.  Eyes: Amber.  Personality: Haughty little minx.  Skills/Talent: Clothing maker, works closely with TieDye.

Sandy (Alyson Hannigan) - Height: 4'0"  Build: slender  Hair: dull auburn, short  Eyes: green  Personality: a little shy, sometimes moody.  Skills/Talent: hunting.  Loves flowers.

Shellcracker (Jodie Foster) - Height: 3'8"  Build: Slender but strong  Hair: golden, straight, parted on side, to shoulders  Eyes: blue, almost catty   Personality: outgoing, playful  Skills/Talent: pearl diver, oyster shucker; dancing and swimming.  Sister of Stickcracker.

Singe (Sting) - Height: 4'2"  Build: wiry-muscular; built for speed  Hair: strawberry blond, short and spiky  Eyes: ice-blue  Personality:  wicked, sharp  Skills/Talent: runner, swimmer.

Snaketrance (Arnold Vosloo) - Height: 4'5"  Build: Swimmer's, muscular  Hair: black, close-cropped, widow's peak  Eyes: Intense; deep green-gold.  Personality: Strong, silent type; extremely dry sense of humor.  Skills/Talent: Swimmer, undersea hunter, snake handler.  Fought in the Great Battle (II).

Spitter (Hugh Dillon) - Height: 4'3"  Build: stocky muscular  Hair: bushy brown, swept back from face, to collar  Eyes: pale blue   Personality: silent, observant, intense.  Skills/Talent: drummer.  Brother in all but blood to Pounder.  Likes to chew on bark chips and tree sap; smokes dreamberry leaves.  Wanderer who joined during the exodus.

Squeaks (Lori Petty) - Height: 4'1"  Build: Lean yet leggy.  Hair: Very short, white-blonde  Eyes: Winter blue. Personality:  Peace-loving, tomboyish, flip, funny, to-the-point.  Skills/Talent: Surfer-chick!  Almost always found in the water, on her stick.  Likes teaching others to ride the waves.   

Starry Sky (Paul Michael Glaser) - Height: 4'2"  Build: Leanly muscular.  Hair: Thick, dark brown curls.  Eyes: Dark blue.  Personality: Playful, loveable, energetic; fierce fighter.  Skills/Talent: Warrior/fighter; carpenter.  Wanderer who joined the exodus.  Fought in the Great Battle II; scar under right eye, which he almost lost.

Stickcracker (Julian Sands) - Height: 4'5"  Build: swimmer's physique  Hair: golden blond, to shoulders  Eyes: hazel green  Personality: a bit aloof  Skills/Talent: diver, swimmer, fisher  Brother of Shellcracker.

Stickshaper (Richard Burgi) - Height: 4'6"  Build: long and lean Hair: Close-cropped light brown.  Eyes: Pale blue  Personality: Outgoing, fun-loving, laid-back.  Skills/Talent: Woodshaper, makes sticks (surfboards).  Also surfs.  Wanderer who came to Great Water then decided to settle at Shell Clan because he loved the people.  Originally from a distant northwestern holt, searched for years for his lost brother before finally giving up.  Has many lovemates, male and female.

Sweetsand (Cyndi Lauper) - Height: 4'1"  Build: small but shapely  Hair: orange-red, wild  Eyes: hazel, shortsighted  Personality: sad since losing her twin sister, Sweetbreeze, to the Howling Wind.  Skills/Talent: cook

Tallow (Rod Stewart) - Height: 4'6"  Build: lean  Hair: blond and shaggy  Eyes: green  Personality: thoughtful, friendly.  Skills/Talent: candle maker.  Father of Rags.  Widower, lost his mate during the exodus.  Lost  Sandmouse, an orphan boy who stayed with him after reaching the island, to the Howling Wind.

Tar (Bill Paxton) - Height: 4'4"  Build: average  Hair: short, sandy blond  Eyes: blue  Personality: helpful, personable, well organized  Skills/Talent: shellfishing; cooking.  Lost his mate, Cloud, to the Howling Wind.

Threadweaver (Amanda Tapping) - Height: 4'3"  Build: average  Hair: short blonde shag  Eyes: blue  Personality: pleasant, energetic, sharp.  Skills/Talent: weaving, sewing.

Tideswirl (Jennifer Tilly) - Height: 4'0"  Build: Statuesque, full-figured.  Hair: Black, to mid-back, worn in several braids.  Eyes: Catty brown, almond-shaped.  Personality: Outgoing, bubbly.  Skills/Talent:  Coconut gatherer; agile climber, fast runner.  Fought in Great Battle II, using bolo.  Foot fighter.   Daughter of Heartleaf.  Sister of Crowflight and Coralbranch.  Niece of Catstone.  Cousin of Mistcat.

TieDye (Daryl Hannah) - Height: 4'6"  Build: willowy  Hair: long, wavy, white-blonde  Eyes: blue  Personality: sweet-natured  Skills/Talent: makes tie-dyed clothes 

Twopipes (Michael Shanks) - Height: 4'5"  Build: Lean, with muscular arms  Hair: medium ash blond, bowl cut  Eyes: blue  Personality: Quiet, intelligent, thoughtful.  Skills/Talent:  thatcher, plays double-reed pipes.  Lovemate of Blackpike.

Vine (Gillian Anderson) - Height: 3'4"  Build: compact but shapely  Hair: red pageboy  Eyes: blue  Personality: strong, steadfast.  Skills/Talent:  fisher, climber, egg collector. 

Waverider (Sean Penn) - Height: 4'6"  Build: long and lean Hair: shoulder-length sun-bleached blond shag  Eyes: hazel, sleepy  Personality: really laid-back  Skills/Talent: surfer. 

Drummer's Point.

Shell Clan main beach.

Dolphin Arc.