Dwelling in the caves of an extinct volcano, Stone Clanners are the artisans of the island.  There are no hunters or growers; they rely on Hill and Shell Clans for their food and other goods in exchange for their wares.  The overall chief of the three clans resides here, as well.  Two large gathers are held in the Great Cavern twice annually.  This is where many council decisions are made by the three clan chiefs and their sub-chiefs, new chiefs are initiated, and sometimes lifemating ceremonies are celebrated.

Stone Clanners are gifted makers of pottery, sculpture, and jewelry.  Their home is rich with mineral deposits of gold, silver, and various gemstones. 

Threestones (Vincent Price) - Height: 4'6"  Build: lean and graceful  Hair: ash blond waves, close to head  Eyes: green  Personality: intelligent and masterful, sharp, dry wit, brave and charming.  Reactions are lightning quick.  Missing half of his right little finger and is left-handed.  Mate was lost on the exodus.  Skills/Talents: paints pictures on cave walls.

Slowbeat (James Franciscus) - Height: 4'7"  Build: lean muscled Hair: tawny  Eyes: pale yellow  Personality: warm but no-nonsense.  Skills/Talent: metalsmithing.  Recently promoted to sub-chief following the death of Claylily during the Big Storm. 

CLANNERS (in alphabetical order)
Bonespoon (Bud Cort) - Height: 4'7"  Build: reed-thin  Hair: sandy bowl-cut  Eyes: huge and blue  Personality: shy and reserved  Skills/Talent: makes spoons, combs and other objects from bone

Boomer (Mitch Pileggi) - Height: 4'7"  Build: broad chest and shoulders, lean hips; muscular  Hair: none  Eyes: hazel brown  Personality: outgoing, flirtatious, and tender-hearted  Skills/Talent: drumming.

Brightember (Mary Stuart Masterson) - Height: 4'3"  Build: Boyish Hair: carroty orange bob  Eyes: green  Personality: warm, witty  Skills/Talent: good singer.  Mother of Flashgold.

Calmheart (Michael Praed) - Height: 4'3"  Build: willowy, slender  Hair: Champagne blond, to shoulders, straight.  Eyes: Deep, soulful green.  Personality: Very kind and gentle, but possessing a wicked sense of humor and a braying laugh.  Skills/Talent: Healer for Stone Clan. 

(Judd Nelson) - Height: 4'6"  Build: Long and lean  Hair: Thick, dark auburn, long on top and short in back.  Eyes: Dark brown, deep set.  Personality: Hard-working but knows how to relax.  Skills/Talent: Transporting goods to and from Stone Clan.  Older brother of Paintpot.

(Kate Jackson) - Height: 4'4"  Build: Slender  Hair: Dark brown, to shoulders, parted in middle.  Eyes: Big, catty and blue.  Personality: Outgoing, outspoken, fiesty; wry sense of humor.  Skills/Talent: Glassblower.   Sister of Catstone.  Lifemate of Symbolspeaker.  Mother of Stonethrow of Hill Clan.

(Sigourney Weaver) - Height: 4'6"  Build: Slender Hair: blonde, short and fluffy  Eyes: gray  Personality: strong-minded  Skills/Talent: potter.  Daughter of Wideskin.  Lovemate of Hotclay.  Mother of Batwhistle.

Firebrick (Ricky Martin) - Height: 4'5"  Build: well-built, muscular  Hair: blond, close-cropped sides and back, thicker on top.  Eyes: green  Personality: amicable, affectionate, always ready with a hug  Skills/Talent: potter, tends the kilns. 

(Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) - Height: 3'9"  Build: shapely, modest bust and hips, leggy  Hair: red-auburn, tight ringlets, to waist; bound in tail when working  Eyes: Blue  Personality:  Personable, loves to laugh but takes no crap  Skills/Talent:  Rockshaping; "sculpting" little figures from semi-precious stone.  Eldest daughter of Woodblossom; never knew father Ice, a wanderer, but knows he wasn't a nice person.  Eldest sister of twins Promise and Puddlejumper, and sister Darkpetal.  Born at Great Water but moved with her parents to the Island just before The Burning.

(Danny Masterson) - Height: 4'5"  Build: muscular chest and arms; lean  Hair: short, bushy blond curls  Eyes: blue-green  Personality: dry sense of humor  Skills/Talent:  toolmaker; name says it all.  Also does scrimshaw.

Horncutter (Keith Gordon) - Height: 4'2"  Build: scrawny  Hair: red, short   Eyes: blue  Personality: well-meaning, awkward and a little nerdy  Skills/Talent:  toolmaker, makes hilts from antlers

Hotclay (Jamie Kennedy) - Height: 4'6'  Build: skinny  Hair: close-cut, red  Eyes: pale green  Personality: outgoing, funny  Skills/Talent: potter; loads and unloads the ovens.  Steady of hand.  Lovemate of Cloudsinger.  Father of Batwhistle.

Keenpoint (David Spade) - Height: 4'2"  Build: scrawny  Hair: blond pageboy  Eyes: hazel  Personality: acerbic humor  Skills/Talent: toolmaker, makes long, fine arrowheads.  Wanderer who joined the exodus.  Brother of Shaftsander. 

(Peter Graves) - Height: 4'7"  Build: broad-shouldered, strong Hair: white, short  Eyes: blue-gray, squinty  Personality: observant, thoughtful   Skills/Talent: rockshaper.  Elder.

LightTouch (Michelle Pfieffer) - Height: 4'3"  Build: delicate  Hair: white-blonde short curls   Eyes: Sleepy blue  Personality: sweet-natured but tough when she has to be  Skills/Talent: drummer.  Younger sister of Wideskin.

LongRain (Alan Ruck) - Height: 4'6"  Build: Lanky  Hair: Short, light auburn  Eyes: Brown, with perpetually uptilted brows.  Personality: Quiet but funny; a follower.  Skills/Talent:  General worker, helping wherever needed.

(Christina Ricci) - Height: 3'4"  Build: Adolescent. Hair: Dark auburn, to waist, worn in single braid  Eyes: Enormous, deep brown.  Personality: Before the loss of her parents to the Howling Wind, she was happy, energetic.  Today she is sullen and withdrawn, rarely speaking.  The healers sense a big storm building inside her.  Skills/Talent:  None yet.  Somewhat adopted by Sunstone, who lost his mate and child to the Howling Wind, as suggested by Calmheart and Threestones, believing the two can help each other mend their "wounds."  Originally from Hill Clan.

Mistcat (Steve McQueen) - Height: 4'5"  Build: wiry but strong  Hair: ash brown, short, with short bangs  Eyes: hazel green  Personality: funny sense of humor, well-liked, footloose  Skills/Talent: being preened for overall chieftain following the death of his father, Catstone.  Dubbed "Spray" when the clans settled the island.  Preparing himself for the huge responsibility that has befallen him while dealing with the sobering loss of his father.

Moreplease (Janeane Garofalo) - Height: 4'2"  Build: average  Hair: dark auburn loose curls, pulled back in tail  Eyes: hazel   Personality: straightforward and no-nonsense  Skills/Talent: cook; name was originally "Rock Crystal" but her food is so good she became known by what everyone says to her: "More, please!"

Paintpot (Bronson Pinchot) - Height: 4'2"  Build: Wiry muscular.  Hair: Thick, dark auburn, held back in ponytail.  Eyes: Large, expressive hazel brown.  Personality: Gentle, quiet; loves kids. Skills/Talent: Potter.  Younger brother of CarryMuch.

PawPaw (---) - Height: 5'0"  Build: average for a troll  Hair: white, wispy, just around sides and back, but with a "comb-over"  Eyes: hazel   Personality: extremely warm and friendly, gentle, sweet, helpful  Skills/Talent: winemaking, metalworking, jewelry smithing.  Old friend of Bluegrass.  Invited to live at Clan Island by Catstone in 67, after troll-hating wanderer elves at Great Water beat him nearly to death.  Spends a lot of time between Stone and Hill Clans, where he likes to visit with Bluegrass and her family, play with the kids, and sample some of the new annual wine batches.

Rockroot (Antonio Banderas) - Height: 4'7"  Build: leanly muscled  Hair: strawberry blond curls, to shoulders  Eyes: dark blue   Personality: comes across as vapid, but is actually very cunning  Skills/Talent: rockshaper; son of Stoneready, brother of Clearamber.

Shaftsander (James Spader) - Height: 4'7"  Build: gangly  Hair: tawny, to shoulders, tied back  Eyes: brown  Personality: a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his work  Skills/Talent:  toolmaker, makes arrow, axe, spear and tool shafts.  Brother of Keenpoint.  Father of Flashgold.

Spoonpot (Paul Williams) - Height: 3'8"  Build: pudgy  Hair: white blond, straight, to shoulders  Eyes: pale green  Personality: cheerful, generous  Skills/Talent: cook; sweet singing voice.

Stone Chipper
(Tim Allen) - Height: 4'0"  Build: wiry  Hair: light auburn, short and wavy  Eyes: blue  Personality: jovial, a little kooky  Skills/Talent: toolmaker, makes arrowheads and stone knives   Wanderer who joined the exodus and stayed.

Stoneready (Anthony Hopkins) - Height: 4'5"  Build: stocky but strong  Hair: short, smoky gray  Eyes: pale blue, sad-looking Personality: gentle, eloquent, compassionate  Skills/Talent: potter; can sense earthquakes.  Elder.  Father of Clearamber and Rockroot.  Lost his mate during the exodus.

(Tony Todd) - Height: 4'8"  Build: big and muscular  Hair: short black topknot  Eyes: dark brown, heavy-lidded and slightly slanted.  Personality: intimidating to look at but kind at heart  Skills/Talent: metalsmith (learned from trolls), makes exquisite silver and gold jewelry.  Wanderer who joined the exodus.  Dark-skinned; rough voice from childhood wound to throat.  Father of Steam.

(Judson Scott) - Height: 4'6"  Build: slender, angular  Hair: golden blond, to shoulders   Eyes: blue   Personality: withdrawn after the death of his lifemate, BrightEyes, and their child Brightstone, to the Howling Wind.  Skills/Talent: oral historian.  Something of a surrogate father to Meadowmouse, a Hill Clanner who lost her family in the Howling Wind.

(Ellen Barkin) - Height: 4'0"  Build: Compact, fit.  Hair: Strawberry blonde with bangs, thick, to shoulders.  Eyes: Pale blue  Personality: Sharp mind and tongue; bawdy.  Skills/Talent:  Drummer.  Fought in the Great Battle, using sling and bolo.  Mother of Splinter.

Symbolspeaker (Frank Langella) - Height: 4'7"  Build: Long and lean  Hair: Short, fluffy blond waves.  Eyes: Sultry, red-brown.  Personality: Romantic, affectionate, a flair for theatrics.  Skills/Talent: Storyteller; orator during gathers.  Lifemate of Catdream.  Father of Stonethrow of Hill Clan.

(Linda Hamilton) - Height: 4'4"  Build: Muscular Hair: Shoulder-length light auburn, to mid-back; bangs.  Eyes: Sleepy blue.  Personality: Tough, no-nonsense.  Skills/Talent: Hunter, using pike; foot-fighter.  Fought in Great Battle.  Mother of Steam.

(Michael York) - Height: 4'5"  Build: lean and strong Hair: golden, short shag Eyes: blue Personality: modest  Skills/Talents: potter; makes urns and vase-like pots.  Youngest brother of Nightwing, son of Slowhand who died in the Big Storm.  Killer cheekbones and a winning smile.

(Roger Meadows Taylor) - Height: 4'5"  Build: blade thin  Hair: ash blond in long tail  Eyes: sleepy blue  Personality: quiet, sweet  Skills/Talent: drummer; makes drums, macrame.  Nimble fingers.  Father of Cloudsinger.  Older brother of Light Touch.  Grandfather of Batwhistle.

Various Children and Adolescents

- Adolescent.  Daughter of Cloudsinger and Hotclay.

Clownfish - Adolescent girl. Originally from Shell Clan, parents lost in Howling Wind.  Adopted by Light Touch.

- Child.  Daughter of Brightember and Shaftsander, OOR.

Splinter - Child.  Son of Switchgrass.

Steam -  Adolescent.  Son of TawnyOwl and Strikefire, OOR.

The highest peak of Clan Island.