DBZ and GW fan club


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Here is the faqs page where we answer questions about anything you have to ask us.

Q:Whats the deal with DragonBall AF? Is it real?

A:DragonBall AF is one of those things that no one can figure out just like why your grandmother has to sqeeze your cheeks. Super Saya-jin 5 Gokou is the onlt thing I know of that is real, it was drawn by Mr. Akira Toriyama himself, well, maybe not but I like to think that. All the other drawings and stuff from DBAF is fake. Although, there have been some rumors that Akira Toriyama is wanting to extend the DragonBall series into a whole new saga!! That would be cool.:)

Q:Are you ever actually going to have Gundam Wing stuff on your site?

A:Yes, at the moment we are acumulating the GW stuff that we will put on the site. It may take another couple of months though.

Q:Does Vegeta's hair go back like Goku's when he turns ssj 3?
A:Well, to tell you the truth, I can't remember if it does or not.  But when I find out I will post it here, maybe even with a pic.
Q:Is the pic of ssj 5 Goku real?
A:I was surfin' the net and stumbled onto a page that explained ssj 5 Goku, they say that it is not Goku, but that it is another character that comes later in DBAF, but I'm not sure if he is real or not... everyone has their own opions but I think it might be real.

email us your questions at the contact me page. Dont be afraid to ask something you think we might not know, cause we have some of the most knowledgable on our staff.