District 16

Colorado District 16 Amateur Radio Emergency Services

Welcome to the Colorado District 16 Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) web site.  You are visitor

ARES District 16 serves Pueblo and Huerfano Counties in southeastern Colorado.  With the Pueblo Chemical Stockpile just 20 miles east of Pueblo, we are an integral part of the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program, which conducts training exercises each spring.  We also work closely with the National Weather Service field office here in Pueblo as part of the SKYWARN network with several area amateur radio operators reporting weather conditions in their area each morning from about 6:30 AM until 8:00 AM.  These reports are then relayed to the National Weather Service office for verification of their forecasts and estimations from the weather radar.  If severe weather would strike the area, we also call reports of the weather conditions immediately to the NWS.

As part of the ongoing training that amateur radio operators participate in are Field Day, and the Simulated Emergency Test, as well as other training exercises and Fox Hunts (hidden transmitter hunts) during the year.

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