Vietnam-POW Email Addresses

Nam-POWs (in alphabetical order) with Email Addresses, Rank & Service at Capture, Country where captured (see code), Capture Date and the number of days they spent as POWs

(167 Addresses as of 15 September 1997)
Country Codes: VN=North Vietnam; VS=South Vietnam; LA=Laos; CB=Cambodia

Lt Col Hector M. Acosta O2 USAF VN 12/09/72 110 Cdr Al Agnew O4 USN VN 12/28/72 91 Lt Col Fernando Alexander O4 USAF VN 12/19/72 100 MSgt David F. Allwine E5 USA VS 03/04/71 754 Lt Col John H. Alpers O3 USAF VN 10/05/72 175 Hon Everett Alvarez O2 USN VN 08/05/64 3113 CW4 Francis G. Anton W2 USA VS 01/05/68 1897 Mr. William Y. Arcuri O2 USAF VN 12/20/72 54 Maj Timothy R. Ayres O3 USAF VN 05/03/72 329 Cdr James W. Bailey O2 USN VN 06/28/67 2062 Col Elmo C. Baker O4 USAF VN 08/23/67 2030 Lt Col Arthur T. Ballard O3 USAF VN 09/26/66 2351 Col Robert W. Barnett O4 USAF VN 10/03/67 1989 Lt Col Thomas J. Barrett O2 USAF VN 10/05/65 2687 Lt Col Henry C. Barrows O3 USAF VN 12/19/72 100 Col William J. Baugh O3 USAF VN 01/21/67 2234 Cdr Henry James Bedinger O2 USN LA 11/22/69 1222 Capt James F. Bell O4 USN VN 10/16/65 2676 Col Louis H. Bernasconi O5 USAF VN 12/22/72 97 Maj Arthur Neil Black E2 USAF VN 09/20/65 2702 Capt Cole Black O4 USN VN 06/21/66 2428 Lt Col John C. Blevins O3 USAF VN 09/09/66 2368 Col Richard E. Bolstad O3 USAF VN 11/06/65 2655 Col Jack W. Bomar O4 USAF VN 02/04/67 2220 Gen Charles G. Boyd O3 USAF VN 04/22/66 2488 Mr. Ernest C. Brace V LA 05/21/65 2868 Mr. Cecil H. Brunson O2 USAF VN 10/12/72 168 Mr. Hubert E. Buchanan O2 USAF VN 09/16/66 2361 Col Arthur W. Burer O3 USAF VN 03/21/66 2520 Mr. Richard G. Burgess E4 USMC VS 09/25/66 2353 Capt John D. Burns O4 USN VN 10/04/66 2343 Cdr Phillip N. Butler O3 USN VN 04/20/65 2855 Dr. William W. Butler O3 USAF VN 11/20/67 1941 Lt Col Peter Callaghan O2 USAF VN 06/21/72 280 Maj Peter P. Camerota O3 USAF VN 12/22/72 97 Lt Col Burton W. Campbell O2 USAF VN 07/01/66 2418 Capt David J. Carey O2 USN VN 08/31/67 2022 Mr. John P. Cerak O3 USAF VN 06/27/72 274 Lt Col Robert G. Certain O3 USAF VN 12/18/72 101 Mr. Carl D. Chambers O2 USAF VN 08/07/67 2046 Lt Col Harlen P. Chapman O3 USMC VN 11/05/65 2656 Capt Arvin R. Chauncey O4 USN VN 05/31/67 2104 Cdr D. Douglas Clower O4 USN VN 11/19/67 1942 Capt Gerald L. Coffee O3 USN VN 02/03/66 2566 SMSgt James R. Cook E6 USAF VN 12/26/72 48 Col Kenneth W. Cordier O3 USAF VN 12/02/66 2284 Lorne Craner (son) Craner O4 USAF VN 12/20/67 1911 Capt Render Crayton O4 USN VN 02/07/66 2562 Mr. Joseph Crecca O2 USAF VN 11/22/66 2280 Lt Col Robert N. Daughtrey O3 USAF VN 08/02/65 2751 Lt Col John O. Davies O2 USAF VN 02/04/67 2206 Capt Edward A. Davis O2 USN VN 08/26/65 2727 Col George E. Day O4 USAF VN 08/26/67 2027 Mr. Tony DeLuca E1 USN CB 02/05/70 23 Capt Robert B. Doremus O4 USN VN 08/24/65 2729 Col Jerry D. Driscoll O2 USAF VN 04/24/66 2486 Mr. David I. Drummond O3 USAF VN 12/22/72 97 Col Richard A. Dutton O4 USAF VN 11/05/67 1956 Mr. Walter Eckes E3 USMC VS 05/10/66 26 B/Gen Jeffrey T. Ellis O3 USAF VN 12/17/67 1914 Col Leon F. Ellis O2 USAF VN 11/07/67 1954 Col David Everson O4 USAF VN 03/10/67 2186 Cdr Robert S. Fant O3 USN VN 07/25/68 1693 Lt Col Richard L. Francis O3 USAF VN 06/27/72 274 Capt Fred A. Franke O5 USN VN 08/24/65 2729 Cdr Lawrence V. Friese O3 USMC VN 02/24/68 1845 RAdm R. Byron Fuller O5 USN VN 07/14/67 2060 Cdr Ralph E. Gaither O2 USN VN 10/17/65 2675 Cdr Paul E. Galanti O3 USN VN 06/17/66 2432 Mr. Ralph W. Galati O2 USAF VN 02/16/72 406 Mr. Gerald L. Gerndt O2 USAF VN 08/23/67 2030 Col Peter J. Giroux O3 USAF VN 12/22/72 52 Cdr Dan Glenn O2 USN VN 12/21/66 2265 Capt Wayne K. Goodermote O2 USN VN 08/13/67 2040 Lt Col David B. Grant O3 USAF VN 06/24/72 277 Col Laird Guttersen O4 USAF VN 02/23/68 1846 Col Theodore W. Guy O5 USAF LA 03/22/68 1820 Capt Collins H. Haines O4 USN VN 06/05/67 2099 Cdr Porter A. Halyburton O2 USN VN 10/17/65 2675 Lt Col Thomas J. Hanton O3 USAF VN 06/27/72 274 Capt John Heilig O3 USN VN 05/05/66 2475 Capt James M. Hickerson O4 USN VN 12/22/67 1909 Col Leland Hildebrand O4 USAF VN 12/18/71 466 Col James O. Hivner O3 USAF VN 10/05/65 2687 Capt David W. Hoffman O4 USN VN 12/30/71 454 Col Robert M. Hudson O2 USAF VN 12/26/72 93 Col James L. Hughes O5 USAF VN 05/05/67 2130 Capt James L. Hutton O4 USN VN 10/16/65 2676 Mr. Charles A. Jackson O2 USAF VN 06/24/72 233 Col Gobel D. James O4 USAF VN 07/15/68 1703 Col Julius S. Jayroe O3 USAF VN 01/19/67 2236 Lt Col Robert D. Jeffrey O3 USAF VN 12/20/65 2611 Lt Col Kenneth Johnson O4 USAF VN 12/18/71 452 Col Murphy Neal Jones O3 USAF VN 06/29/66 2420 Capt W. Denver Key O3 USN VN 11/17/67 1944 Lcdr Phillip Kientzler O4 USN VS 01/27/73 59 Col Joseph W. Kittinger O5 USAF VN 05/11/72 321 Capt Charles Klusmann O3 USN LA 06/06/64 86 Capt Rodney A. Knutson O2 USN VN 10/17/65 2675 Col James D. Kula O3 USAF VN 07/29/72 243 Dr. F. Harold Kushner O3 USA VS 11/30/67 1933 Col Michael H. LaBeau O3 USAF VN 12/26/72 93 Col Michael C. Lane O2 USAF VN 12/02/66 2270 Col Gordon A. Larson O5 USAF VN 05/05/67 2130 Lt Col Lauren R. Lengyel O3 USAF VN 08/09/67 2044 Cdr Roger G. Lerseth O3 USN VN 09/06/72 159 Capt Henry D. Lesesne O4 USN VN 07/11/72 261 Mr. Donald K. Logan O2 USAF VN 07/05/72 267 Maj Stephen G. Long O2 USAF LA 02/28/69 1489 BGen Alan P. Lurie O3 USAF VN 06/13/66 2436 Mrs. Pattie Marvel Marvel O4 USMC VN 02/24/68 1845 Lt Col Ronald L. Mastin O2 USAF VN 01/16/67 2239 Lt Col Michael K. McCuistion O3 USAF VN 05/08/67 2127 Capt John M. McGrath O3 USN VN 06/30/67 2074 Col Thomas M. McNish O2 USAF VN 09/04/66 2373 Mr. Edward J. Mechenbier O2 USAF VN 06/14/67 2076 Capt Read B. Mecleary O2 USN VN 05/26/67 2109 Capt William J. Metzger O2 USN VN 05/19/67 2116 Lt Col Alton B. Meyer O3 USAF VN 04/26/67 2139 Col Thomas N. Moe O2 USAF VN 01/16/68 1884 Col Herschel S. Morgan O3 USAF VN 04/03/65 2872 Capt Richard D. Mullen O4 USN VN 01/06/67 2249 Col Armand J. Myers O3 USAF VN 06/01/66 2448 Capt Gordon R. Nakagawa O5 USN VN 12/21/72 98 Cdr Aubrey A. Nichols O3 USN VN 05/19/72 313 Capt Giles R. Norrington O3 USN VN 05/05/68 1774 Col Thomas E. Norris O3 USAF VN 08/12/67 2041 Capt J. Charles Plumb O2 USN VN 05/19/67 2102 Lt Col Melvin Pollack O2 USAF VN 07/06/67 2068 Col Ben M. Pollard O3 USAF VN 05/15/67 2120 Capt Leo T. Profilet O5 USN VN 08/21/67 2032 Lt Col Thomas S. Pyle O3 USAF VN 08/07/66 2401 Capt Dale V. Raebel O4 USN VN 08/17/72 224 Col James E. Ray O2 USAF VN 05/08/66 2472 Lt David G. Rehmann O2 USN VN 12/02/66 2264 BGen Jon A. Reynolds O3 USAF VN 11/28/65 2633 BGen Robinson Risner O5 USAF VN 09/16/65 2706 Col Paul K. Robinson O4 USAF VN 07/01/72 270 Capt Peter R. Schoeffel O4 USN VN 10/04/67 1988 Lt Col William R. Schwertfeger O3 USAF VN 02/16/72 406 Col Bruce G. Seeber O3 USAF VN 10/05/65 2687 RAdm Robert H. Shumaker O4 USN VN 02/11/65 2923 Lt Col Richard E. Smith O4 USAF VN 10/25/67 1967 Capt Charles E. Southwick O4 USN VN 05/14/67 2121 Col Donald R. Spoon O2 USAF VN 01/21/67 2234 Cdr Hugh A. Stafford O4 USN VN 08/31/67 2022 Capt Richard A. Stratton O4 USN VN 01/05/67 2250 Col Leroy W. Stutz O2 USAF VN 12/02/66 2284 Lt Col Orson G. Swindle O3 USMC VN 11/11/66 2305 Col Bernard L. Talley O2 USAF VN 09/10/66 2367 Col William H. Talley O4 USAF VN 05/11/72 321 Capt Charles N. Tanner O4 USN VN 10/09/66 2338 Cdr Gary L. Thornton O1 USN VN 02/20/67 2204 Col Leo K. Thorsness O4 USAF VN 04/30/67 2135 Cdr William M. Tschudy O2 USN VN 07/18/65 2766 Col Gerald S. Venanzi O2 USAF VN 09/17/67 2005 Col Richard D. Vogel O4 USAF VN 05/22/67 2113 Mr. Brian H. Ward O2 USAF VN 12/27/72 92 Hon. James H. Warner O2 USMC VN 10/13/67 1979 Col Ronald J. Webb O3 USAF VN 06/11/67 2093 Cdr David R. Wheat O2 USN VN 10/17/65 2675 Capt Irv Williams O2 USN VN 04/24/67 2141 Mrs. Adlyn Wilson Wilson O3 USAF VN 08/07/67 2046 Col Lawrence D. Writer O3 USAF VN 02/15/68 1854 Col James F. Young O4 USAF VN 07/06/66 2413 CW4 Roy E. Ziegler W1 USA VS 02/08/68 1852 Cdr Charles P. Zuhoski O2 USN VN 07/31/67 2053