*Nothing New* - "softer", one of my favs
On the other hand, their other Cd's (especially Too Late..No Friends) are more fun and poppy (not a bad thing), full of energy and leaving you charged! Almost everyone knows the all time classic songs like Bb (B Flat) and *Soda*, which helped them alot along the road of exposure. But I guess they've shed their younger skin and matured a whole lot since their biking, curling, bug-eating, soda chugging days! They're as pumped as ever, ready to unleash their endless energy to the world! Hooroo, way to go fellas!
*Self-appointed Leader* , *Reign on Your Parade* - a touch of hardcore!
*What to Do* - a good song, but way overplayed!! (sorry to say!)
*On These Days* , *Naked* , *Ok* - everything in between!