Those that don't think that the corporations run the World
must have been living in a cave for the last 30 years. This 1984
Orwellian fictional place we inhabit is getting more and more non-
fictional every day. 20 years ago anyone that thought that there was a
conspiracy to kill JFK was labeled a kook. Five years ago Oliver
Stone made the majority of the Country question the Oswald single
shooter theory and now there's a convicted killer in Joliet State prison
that made a very believable video confessing to being part of the crew
that did the job.
    Our Government's curtain of lies has more holes in it than a
sieve and more and more hidden agendas are coming out every day.
15 years ago UFOs were being reported by civilians and pilots almost
every day over the Western desert States and they were fired or
discredited until a few years ago when the Government unveiled the
Stealth Fighter and bomber which had been test flown there for years.
    One of the most sinister secret control plans was buried as
atmospheric research that was covering up a weather control system
and underneath the shroud of that is a mind control system that makes
subliminal flashes a joke.
    On October 17th 1977 there was a hearing in Congress by
the Committee on Science and Technology that was briefed by THE
WMAB was chaired by Harlan Cleveland. Harlan (who when
working for the U.S. Senate during the Kennedy Johnson years tried
to bring Alger Hiss back into Government) has a long history of trying
to establish a New World Order (Based on the idea that Corporations
and Banks have the best plans for the future of Mankind). His plans
include: 1 Create a World food bank, 2 Provide for international
control of all sources and supplies, 3 Internationalize commodity
markets, 4 Establish international control over the wealth of the
oceans and deep seabeds, 5 Provide for international control of the
"weather at human command", 6 rewrite the rules of trade and
investment, 7 Create a world currency, 8 create a world police to
"keep the peace when is threatened and restore the peace when it is
broken," and 9 Provide special programs to teach the benefits of the
New Order in each of six categories of American institutions, namely
business, corporations, labor unions, nonprofit enterprises,
communications media, educational systems and government
agencies. There was a name for this style of Government and it is
called Socialism. It failed in Nazi Germany but they still want to force
it on the rest of us.
    Now they have a major hammer. Nicolas Tesla discovered
thousands of uses for Electricity and many of his ideas are only now
coming into being because of the technology and huge power
demands required. He theorized that 10hz of Extremely Low
Frequency (ELF) beams bounced through the Earth and up into the
ionosphere would start electron resonance 50 kilometers above the
Earth. This would effect thunderstorms by causing a dielectric
breakdown above the clouds and forcing them to release their energy
and water in a non natural way.
    Meanwhile back in Congress they believed it enough to
investigate and try to regulate it. The Congressmen set up what they
thought would be adequate measures to regulate it but when the
military found that the same beams could effect the guidance systems
of Rockets and Airplanes and it could disrupt the communications of
entire countries suddenly it dropped from sight, became TOP
SECRET and had tons of money thrown at it. Also the Russians
were developing their own ELF technology.
    There's a pattern of discoveries over the years that show how
far the ideas have gotten since 1976:
    July 4, 1976 Soviets turn on their Tesla Magnifying
transmitters with a primary ELF frequency of 10hz and start Weather
Modification experiments. These are monitored by the U.S. National
Security (NSI) which listens to all radio frequencies that originates in
    June 5, 1976 The New York Times described the great
Earthquake, which destroyed Tangshan China and killed 650,000
people as: "Just before the first tremor at 3:42 am the sky lit up like
daylight. The multi hued lights, mainly red and white were seen up to
200 miles away. Leafs on many trees were burned to a crisp and
growing vegetables were scorched on one side as if by a fireball."
These electrical effects are tied to electromagnetic plasma and ball
lightning which result from Tesla style and HAARP like
    July 4, 1977 Exactly one year after the start of the Russian
experiments, the U.S. Government conducted an ELF experiment
that created an enormous downburst of rain in six counties of
Northern Wisconsin. Winds of up to 157 mph devastated a wide area
and the ELF generated storm destroyed Phillips Wisconsin, destroyed
350,000 acres of forest and caused $50 million in damage. The
Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE) Newsletter described
the storm: "Downburst activity has been described as occurring when
the top of a thunderstorm cloud topples over bringing with it masses
of wind straight down. The U.S. Government's transmitter sent about
1.2 million watts of energy into the ground. The ground connections
are at each end of the antenna and up the other end, forming an
antenna loop. Signals are sent by shifting the frequency. The antenna
began transmissions at 13:00 hours by shifting from 76 hertz to 72 or
80 pulsed at a rate of 16 times a second. THE ACTION OF THE
    October 1977 The United Nations Security Council
investigates the possibilities of Weather modification and agrees to a
ban of utilization. (C.N. 263. 1978 treaties 12)
    November 1977 U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
declassifies a report describing how vast advances in Soviet
psychotronic technology can create the ultimate Big Brother Society
by using electronic mind control against populations to implant ideas
and thoughts into the heads of unsuspecting victims using ELF
    January 1978 Specula Magazine described the Russian
ELF effects: "An electromagnetic signal of certain frequencies can be
transmitted through the Earth which, depending upon the frequency
used, focusing, wave shape, etc., one can induce a variety of effects
such as earthquakes induced at a distant aiming point, severe
disturbances in the middle and upper atmosphere over the target area
and anomalous weather effects. This is called the 'Tesla Effect'
originally discovered by Tesla."
    January 1978 Dr. Andrija Puharich, M.D., LL.D. of Russia
issued a detailed research paper titled, "Global Magnetic Warfare - A
layman's View of Certain Artificially Induced Unusual Effects on the
Planet during 1976 and 1977." Describing early Soviet work with
Tesla's method of "Controlled Earthquakes," he stated "Of the many
great earthquakes of 1976 there is one that demands special attention -
the July 28, 1976 Tangshan, China earthquake."
    January 30, 1981 The WASHINGTON POST reported:
"The world sustained 71 significant earthquakes during 1980, up from
56 the previous year and the world death toll climbed to 7,140, five
times the 1979 figure, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
Coincidentally with the increase in Soviet and U.S. ELF transmissions
during 1980, there was a sharp increase in earthquakes around the
    June 1981 P.A.C.E. NEWSLETTER reported that Dr.
Ralph Markson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
"Suggests that if a atmospheric variations do affect the weather, the
appropriate use of ELF and VLF radio waves might do the same
trick." "It is known the VLF radio waves such as those induced by
lightning can destabilize plasma in the magnetosphere. Experiments
to cause such effects have been conducted from the space shuttle."
    August 9, 1983 The Washington Post reports, Lt. Col.
Thomas Beardon, nuclear engineer and leading U.S. Tesla researcher
lectured to the U.S. Psychotronics Association explaining how the
Tesla wave generators worked said, "The U.S. had been working with
ELF generators but found that the foundation of Ground Wave
Emergency Network (GWEN) transmitters were much more
effective than standard ELF transmitters. The GWEN transmitters are
being erected around the United States to continue our
communications during a nuclear war."
    March 1, 1987 The New York Times reported: "Col. Paul
Hanson, GWEN program director for the Air Force said the GWEN
towers will not help wage a nuclear war because they would be
destroyed in any protracted confrontation. Currently 54 GWEN are
operational at a cost of $235 million. The Government is planning to
build 29 more units at a cost of an additional $11 million each.
    August 11 1987 Patent Number 4,686,605 issued to Dr.
Bernard J. Eastlund, a physicist whose design promoted the U.S.
government building on a mammoth electromagnetic weather
engineering system. The patent was assigned to APTI Inc., a
subsidiary of Eastlund’s then employer, the Atlantic Richfield Oil
Company (ARCO).The patent states, “Large regions of the
atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpected high altitude. Weather
modification is possible by for example altering the upper atmosphere
wind patterns and that the earth’s magnetic field could be decreased or
disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or eliminate the magnetic
    March 1988 OMNI Magazine carried an article about Dr.
Eastlund’s invention: “As he did his computations, Eastlund realized
that the amount of energy he was dealing with was enormous. He
calculated that by lifting parts of the atmosphere the charged particles
could reflect sunlight, heat parts of the Earth and manipulate local
weather patterns. Richard Williams, a physicist at Princeton, stated
that he thinks the Eastlund HAARP device “might become a serious
threat to the earth’s atmosphere and could cause irreversible damage.
Effects in the atmosphere cannot be localized. The language of the
patent indicates that it is clearly intended to provide effects on a global
    September 12,1988 The New York Times reported that
each GWEN unit utilizes about 2,000 watts of power and are
“relaying brief test messages every twenty minutes.”
    November 1988 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reported
that GWEN involves a network of 299 foot high towers that “uses
low frequency radio waves that hug the ground.”
    September 12, 1989 The Washington Post reported that
during 1989, World Bank President Barber Conable made a speech in
Tokyo at a conference on: “Global Environment” in which he
revealed the long range goals of the international bankers. He said that
“while higher temperatures may cause a number of disasters they
might also warm cold and unproductive lands in the North into
productivity.” This candid admission described the real reason that
the Soviets and the New World Order bankers have secretly
promoted continuous weather engineering over the Northern
hemisphere since the early 1970’s.
    November 1989 The bulletin of the Atomic Scientists listed
some of the GWEN tower locations. Of extreme importance were
GWEN units directly in the middle of the high rainfall area of the
1993 flood in the Upper Mississippi Valley. The operating and
planned GWEN units are at: Ledyard Iowa, Chelsea Wisconsin,
Shepard Minnesota, Curryville and Dudley Missouri and other units
in Colorado and Montana whose range could influence the magnetic
fields in neighboring states. The resulting enhanced constant
precipitation levels killed hundreds and destroyed billions of dollars of
    January 1990 Because of the publicity about the weather
engineering aspects of the Eastlund Arco patent, the U.S. Government
suppressed all further news about the invention’s weather engineering
features and the invention has been disguised as a device for
conducting “atmospheric research.
    June 1990 Progressive Magazine reported that each GWEN
tower will have “a hundred copper wires, each 330 feet long, that will
fan out from the tower a foot underground...The major environmental
issue is Electromagnetic radiation...GWEN towers emit ionizing
radiation, and they do so all of the time, with test signals broadcast
every hour.”
    July 1990 CROSS CURRENTS: “The perils of
Electropollution,” by Robert O. Becker, M.D.; “GWEN is a superb
system for producing behavioral alterations in the civilian population.
The average strength of the steady geomagnetic field varies from
place to place across the United States. Therefore if one wished to
resonate a specific ion in living things in a specific locality, one would
require a specific frequency for that location. The spacing of GWEN
transmitters 200 miles apart across the United States would allow
such specific frequencies to be ‘tailored’ to the geomagnetic field
strength in each GWEN area.” In response to the allegations that the
GWEN system was built to enable the Government to continue
communications during a war Dr. Becker countered, “The GWEN
hardware is transistor based; even if placed in hardened bunkers it
would still be vulnerable to electro magnetic pulse. The real purposes
of the GWEN system is being kept secret from the American people.
    March 29, 1992 The WASHINGTON TIMES reports the
incidence of ELF signals associated with earthquakes are continuing.
Satellites and ground sensors detected mysterious radio waves or
related electrical and magnetic activity before major earthquakes in
Southern California during 1986-87 and Northern California,
Armenia and Japan in 1989.

There is great danger when Scientists deem it necessary
to explore new concepts under the blanket of secrecy. Any
invention or device that has the potential to completely
destroy life on this planet must be supervised by people not
involved with the project. There is no place for “oops”
when it comes to global effects.

This is part one of this subject. Next month we will
continue with what the boys have done with their toys, what
will be coming on line next year and what’s in your future
whether you want it or not.



For further education read “ANGELS DON’T PLAY THIS
HAARP, Advances in Tesla Technology” by Jeane
Manning and Dr. Nick Begich, published by Earth Pulse
Press in Anchorage, Alaska.