Pina Conti
~ The World's Greatest Contortionist ~
Acrobatic Contortion Soloist / Actress / Model
Pina's Total Number Of Vistors:
~ ~

Pina Conti is based in Australia
In all areas there will always arise a few great individuals who take an
art-form, a discipline, a sport, a science, or another speciality to new and
great heights. In science there was Einstein, art had Michelangelo &
Vincent van Gogh, sports remembers Jim Thorpe & Babe Ruth... In the
Beautiful Performing Art of Acrobatic Contortion there is one performer who
combines incredible beauty, the warmest stage presence, boundless acrobatic
skills, and a smile that could melt an iceberg into a show that puts her
into a class by herself. This amazing performer is Pina Conti.
Purely as an Acrobatic Contortionist, Pina's superhuman abilities will
astound even the most sophisticated audience. She winds, folds, and
contorts her wonderfully fit physique into and out of seemingly impossible
Pina's acrobatic abilities by themselves rank her amongst world class
performers. However that is only half of what she has to offer. The beauty
and warmth she communicates to her audience brings feelings of appreciation
and contentment. Her innocent smile, graceful mannerisms, and gentle movements
make everyone from small children to their grandparents absolutely bristle
with happiness.
Whether you want to really put on a memorable show, or just have Pina catch
the customer's eye like no other model can, Pina can do the job! Pina is
available for Corporate Shows, Business Conventions, Launches,
Cabaret-Dinner Venues, Five Star Hotel Floorshows, TV Special Guest
Appearances (local-national-international), TV Movie Roles-Appearances,
Global Cinema-Film Cameo Appearances, Fashion Show Openings, Trade Shows
(local and abroad), Casino Show Contracts, Commercials, Billboards,
Catalogues, Commercial Advertising Stills, etc.... Additionally, Pina is
available as a Fitness Model, Swimsuit / Bikini Model, Sports Model,
In summary, when you want a performance that will leave an impression that
will last a lifetime or whenever you need a contortionist / fitness /
bikini / sports model with a BIG difference to represent your company; the
answer is simple and clear: Pina Conti.
This website was graciously created and is maintained by Pina's
International Agent and Liaison... Joseph A. Botta. I am available via
my phone (973) 305-1038 and/or e-mail