One of my favorite movies of all time, I loved this the first time I saw it. I was thrilled when I heard they were making it into a series, and
I haven't been disappointed. I know Joss himself didn't like the movie. All writers think similar things when their 'babies' are 'corrupted' by directors. They can't seem to understand that all movies work this way. Directors make movies their own. That's just the way it works. All the performances in this movie were wonderful, and even in all its humor, there are a few scenes that really stand out dramatically. For example, the dream scene with Buffy laying into Lothos' arms. That's one of my favorite scenes. There are more features to come on this page, including a discussion of what doesn't work about the movie, and a discourse on why Joss' vision would and could never have made it to the screen. Anyway, enough introduction. This section has a synopsis for those who haven't seen the movie (beware: it gives away everything!) or those who need to refresh their memories. There's also an 'essay'-type thing (short!) about vampires, and the history of the world, called 'A Brief History of Time'. Among other things, it attempts to somewhat reconcile the movie's and the series' mythology. The rest is character bios, pics and other small features. Enjoy! |