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The Mullins Families of Middlesex County, Virginia
by Cornelius Carroll
![]() ![]() The section of Virginia comprised within the present county of Middlesex was at first included in Lancaster County and parish. Sometimes before 1666 the parish was divided into two portions, seperated by the Rappanhannock River, and the new parishes were named Lancaster and Pyanketank. In 1666, they were reunited under the name of Lancaster, but a few years later they were again seperated and acquired the organization which they retained through the Colonial period as Christ Church, Lancaster, and Christ Church, Middlesex.
In Virginia Patent Book 3, page 122. Captain Augustine Warner received 2,500 acres lying about the branches of Old Cheesecake Town on S. side of Peanketank River, beg. at a marked tree of the Indian Land a little to the S.E. of old Chiscake, 26 Oct. 1652, for the transport of 50 person, one of whom was John Mullins. A note also states four rights due to Thomas Chandiler by a certificate granted him in September 1640 at York Court the said Warner being administrator of the said Chandiler. John Mullins is mentioned on a Bill of Sale in Lancaster County, Virginia in 1656. This John Mullins may be the ancestor of the Mullins families of Middlesex County, Virginia.
1. Zachariah Mullins md Mary Mabraine 18 Sept. 1684 Christ Church Parish, Middlesex County, Virginia. Their son Charles Mullins was baptized either on 13 Nov. 1686 or 14 Sept. 1686 (two different dates and entries in the parish register). Their daughter Elizabeth was christened December 1689. This may be the Elizabeth who md Ralph Watts 5 Feb. 1711 Christ Church, Middlesex County, Virginia.
2. William Mullins md Elizabeth Lee b. 11 Aug. 1678, daughter of Thomas Lee. The will of Thomas Lee dated 13 July 1709 and proved 6 March 1709/10 names: grandchildren Charles Lee and Thomas Lee; daughters Mary Jones, Anne Gardner; and Mary Mullins daughter of William Mullins, deceased. The executor was his son Charles Lee. The witnesses were: John Owen, Elizabeth Mullins, and Ringling? Gardner. In a Middlesex County, Virginia court order dated 5 Dec. 1687, the following men were to provide a man, horse, and arms: Thomas Lee, William Mullins, and Thomas Gardner. This is the first record that mentions William Mullins. In the 1704 Quit Rent Rolls of Virginia, William Mullins was charged a quit rent on 150 acres in Middlesex County, Virginia. The will of William Mullins dated 16 Nov. 1709 and proved 4 Sept. 1811 names wife Elizabeth and "my four children Mary, William, Elizabeth, and John. The executor was his wife Elizabeth Mullins. Mary Mullins, the daughter of William and Elizabeth, was baptized 8 May 1709 Christ Church, Middlesex County, Virginia.
The following Mary Mullins may be the child of William and Elizabeth (Lee) Mullins: Mary Mullins md Joseph Hardee 20 June 1727 by Bartholomew Yates. In the vestry book of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Virginia; "Major Edwin Thacker (church warden) accounted to the vestry for 50 pound fine received of Mary Mullens for having a bastard child", "John Curtis accounted for 2 fines of 50 pounds each, the one received of Joseph Hardee on account of Mary Mullins and the other Jane Taylor for having a bastard child", and "John Grymes esq., late church warden, accounts to this vestry for a fine of 5,000 pounds of tobacco and cask laid on Mary Mullen together with 240 pounds tobacco the cost of that prosecution, it is ordered to be distributed between Robert Baker and Mary Yarrow." These were dated ca 1727. In the parish register of Christ Church, Middlesex County; Robert, an illegitimate son of Mary Mullins, was baptized 10 May 1724; Anne, an illegitimate daughter of Mary Mullins, was born 24 Oct. 1725 and baptized 7 Dec. 1725; and Elizabeth, an illegitimate daughter of Mary Mullins, was born 5 May 1727 and baptized 9 July 1727.
3. John Mullins d. prob. unmarried. In a will dated 14 June 1716 and proved 4 June 1717, John Mullins gave William Gardner Jr. one hundred acres more or less lying and joining the land of William Gardner formerly purchased by Zachry Mullins. According to the Parish Register of Middlesex County, Virginia, John Mullins died 20 Jan.1716 and was buried 21 Jan. 1716. The witnesses to the will were: Jos. Hardee, Dorthy (R) Lecy, and Mary (M) Gardner.
Copyright 2000 Cornelius Carroll
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