Hi, I'm Barry J. Watson/Baz/Bazzu/Count Bazzu/Bazilla/Bazzington/Bazzmatazz/Cunt Bazzu/Barrington/Bazzilliant/That Guy and you don't know it yet, but I'm the reason you're here. Unless you followed a link here, then I'm not.
Rumour has it, that the means to a good website is joining a multiple amount of pages together using "hyperlinks", and I, not being one to miss out on a trend, have carefully followed this advice.
You may want to know a lot of information about me, if so, then tough luck, sister. You may be wanting to join my newsletter, but it doesn't exist, get over it. Heck, you might even just be wanting sex, but you won't get that from me [without an e-mail notifying me on your willingness to be Baz'd].
I'm not sure what to possibly do now, so I'll leave you wander about yourself, because you're a filthy whore and you don't care who you get it from.
Last Updated: 21st May 2004
Did I not jsut add 4 NEW SONGS on the Sounds of the Underfrowned page? I think I did!
Some exciting, arousing, and damn-right unuseful tips on my website:
a) This is the index page, should you ever get lost, you're an idiot, but come back here anyways.
b) The Exclusive Stories... OF DEATH! page considers what life would be like had I become an unsuccessful writer that spent too much time writing sweet nothings in your ear.
c) The Pitch Her page contains pictures. The majority of which were created by me using MS Paint, which, I am informed is still the only way to draw on a computer.
ch) Sounds of the Underfrowned is technically empty, but if it wasn't, it'd be full of .mp3s I had made.
d) The LieJournal is a fun place to settle down with somebody and drone on about your inner thoughts. How could I not participate?
dd) The BazCam probably has a picture of me, or my dogs, or my sofa, or an ADDITIONAL LIMB.
e) That '60s CF Show is something 2003Baz™ made.