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Welcome one and all to the Official Homepage dedicated To an exceptional young man by the name of ADAM COULDWELL Owing to the fact that Adam is so young, just 17 in fact, this site will always be in a state of perpetual update. Which will be hopefully monthly. The Hot Spot on the right will be where late breaking news about Adam will be headlined. Adam deserves all the help that we his fans can give him.
HOT SPOT RED HOT NEWS JUST IN Adam to open for Reba McEntire on entire tour. See Gig Guide.
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In October of last year Adam had a very good trip to Nashville, among other things he sang on the stage of the Grand Ole Oprey, before a crowd of 4500 at the Oprey`s 73rd birthday celebrations, he was on the same bill as Joe Diffie, The Whites, Bill Anderson and Porter Wagoner, he was just one of twenty other acts appearing that evening. He was introduced by Little Jimmy Dickens. Adam was the youngest ever European Country singer to have appeared at the Oprey. Whilest in Nashville he also recorded four new songs, three of his own and a Dean Dillon-Al Anderson composition. More details of this visit can found further in to the site.
Because of the late breaking news this page is at present incomplete, but this will be put right as soon as possible.