its a brand new era, it feels great, its a brand new era, but i came too late i cant believe its not cow candy!
http://www.nucleardreamhouse.com "Because Puff Daddy and all them artises is good artises, but Cow Candy is fo' tha children." --Ol' Dirty Bastard "Cow Candy: the most nauseatingly punk band ever!" --Kristin Sjo-Gaber "Quit living in the past!"- Bret Sayre "Man, you guys really sucked!" -Dan Fusaro 9/1/02 perfect sound forever what a fucking bust. our 2nd EP (which we were supposed to record this weekend) had to be postponed for bandmember health reasons. i think it may be safe to say that god hates us and is actively working to thwart us. we've got a few crappily recorded/performed instrumental versions from practices, but those are not nearly releasable. it looks like we're gonna have to wait at least a few weeks, and then get the songs back into shape for recording. seeing as im back in boston, this might take quite a bit of effort. the newest songs really have "slacker rock" written all over them, which to me is a major improvement over "emo metal." theyre also more interesting melodically, with independent guitar melodies going pretty much the whole time (VERY unlike the powerchord riffing of the first EP). i went back to lithuania a few weeks ago (first time since my family immigrated), along with latvia and prague. simply put, it was fucking great. the cheap+plentiful absinthe really helped with writing words for the new songs, so i dont have to sing nonsense syllables again. other than that, the summer was spent working at the liquor store, playing guitar, going to shows in NYC (SY, big numbers, shins, sleaterkinney, imperial teen, nofx, others i cant recall right now) and "relaxing" with alex and the lads. god, this update is really fucking grey and humorless. i think its cause ive been listening to old Cure while writing. also, being thrown back into boston is mildly depressing...wait, no it isnt, this is all because of the fucking Cure. damn that bobbert smythe. well, they cant all be masterpieces. 6/5/02 from small minds and tall trees away from the action another culturally comatose livingston summer is upon us, and you all know what that means. thats right, satan, drugs, and cable tv. besides that, the "dreamhouse" played a delightful little basement show at alex's house, minus the guitar stylings of mister fusaro, who was graduating from something or other that day. there has been talk of a 2nd EP, since we have 3 new songs nearly finished, and it shouldnt take long for another few to squeeze out of our collective birthing canal. oo theres a mental image for you! im rarely optimistic about this band, but the new songs are significantly better than the clunky emo-metal of the 1st EP. looking back on it, maybe we SHOULDNT have blown 2 grand recording and pressing the first four songs we ever wrote. then again, it was a fucking amazing couple of days. aaaanyway, dan has been spending most of his time in his basement, building up his tolerance for alcohol and pavement songs. alex is vacationing in canada, and mark likes to sit alone in his room, quoting lines from the simpsons and giggling to himself. me, i sleep, eat brownies, and ponder band names. when does school start again? some CC-related news: mike says hes gonna be recording another solo EP this summer, and he wants me to mix or "uber-produce" or SOMETHING, which of course i will gladly do, for money. speaking of which, im fucking broke and i need a job. sign the guestbook if you have any leads. 5/6/02 you were reading out loud, but i thought you were talking to me: diary of an emo band so so so soi think this is going to be an experiment where i never hit the backspaceh key ok? well right now im gonna tell you about whats been goidng down around this shittyshindig solipclism foryer. forward a few days, and here we are, a few days after the last nuclear rimjob show in sunny amherst, massacuntsex where the hippies run without leashes and the cows stare you straight in the eye like theyre better than you. which they arent, much like the abount of sobriety that we had to endure whyle playing the show, which means it wasnt very much. hunched over a marks snaredumr in a dormitory bathroom dan mark and i initiaed ourselves into the raorder of the speed freak bathroom scene. set was fun, energetic, almost piuked again. no groupies except this one who had a boyfriend and didnt want to have sex with any of us and never heard our band or yea thats it. bored i have been all the past few weeks, too much drinking, not nearly enough sinking, from peerly amounts winking soft formosa spear. acosm aplonty. oh and i went to see beulah, and fugazi, and nada surf, and that was nice, as im sure you can imagine. i keep writing whiny 3 chord songs and putting them on my fourtrack, where they shall remain until the end of maybe. curious george sucked my pregnant teen, and i vote! well i hope you all enjoyed that, its time for me to say goodbye to all you nice people that come and look at my nice webpage goddammit i htink my self cousnoiusness came back again. no more actual thoughts, sorry! james joyce, whoatta loser. 3/15/02 same boy you've always known ...and you will know us by the trail of dead (yes thats a band) were fucking great tonight. crazy SY guitar swingin, zany fugazi/nirvana screamin, flailin, and equipment trashin... it looks like someone beat me to the whole early90s indierock revival thing, but at least theyre more talented and better looking than me. the show was sold out, but me and plempel stood outside TTs for 2 hours looking as pathetic as we possibly could until they let us. almost everyone inside was at least bobbing their heads and there were like 20 rabid fans that had a little moshpit sort of thing going, which is amazingly responsive for a boston indierock audience, especially for a new band. usually its a bunch of people dressed like extras in a strokes video standing perfectly still with their arms crossed. the 'dreamhouse played a few shows, and they went pretty ok. we even had a couple of fans show up who werent our friends! also, our first 17-year old groupie experience was fun (though only for mark, that sly dog; alex has a GF and i wasnt nearly drunk enough to take advantage of a dumb HS girl; thus dan was left with two chicks (two more than he can handle) ensuring his striking out. damn prudes.) will and i have once again been sporadically jamming, and we actually have like a song and a half in the pavement/talking heads/SY vein, with more to come (or so we keep telling each other). same "no drumset or practice space" problem though, although that may be resolved shortly as more and more of our friends are living in houses with basements. in an attempt to have some fun in this town that doesnt involve taking bonghits on natans couch or slumming at random parties i went to this thing http://startboston.com a few times. its like the "indierock dance night" at bill's bar. they play really good music really loud and everyone is drunk and *gasp* dancing! gang of four, wire, ramones, buzzcocks, misfits, sonicyouth, breeders, bikini kill, new order, killing joke, stooges, all kinds of really good shit (and of course some bad shit too). surprisingly fun to shake one's booty to, and plus you can play the game "is that pale anorexic with the dyed bangs and denum jacket a boy or a girl?" which is always a nice challenge. gotta love mods! btw, winter in boston really fucking sucks unless you get wasted all the time. which i dont. 01/17/2002 its in Revelations, people! well we certainly had a happy new years. drunk and smacked out on the finest bathtub crank that being in a band can buy, we offended the delicate sensibilities of all the nice people at danielle's party. played all our songs, then the silly fugazi cover. unfortunately i must have snorted a bit more than i could chew, because minutes later, during my third noise guitar solo in "love buzz" i had a little reunion with a piece of hamburger and a few beers that i had earlier. music scene's crazy. so the fabled "fifth song" has been written, and its alright. you know,.. alright. we played it at that party, and drunk people seemed to not hate it. i guess i should officially introduce my two turtles, kevin and shields, to this little community we have here. they live in a plastic box at my feet, as will all of you one day. kevin has unusually strong forelimbs and shields likes to sleep. i think i love them. 12/1/01 r.i.p. george 11/26/01 life's rich pageant so the show went pretty well... we managed to get through the set without any major fuckups even though we've only practiced twice in the past month. we closed with fugazi's "waiting room" for the kiddies... 90% of whom stared blankly, waiting for some horns or something... fuckin ska kids. then penfold played an awesome intense set, complete with spacey keyboards, weird delay effects on the guitar, and heavily reverbed bass... i call it, Kid Emo. good shit. money can buy genius: pink floyd "piper at the gates of dawn" i was listening to "interstellar overdrive" on headphones while peeing in a truckstop bathroom, and i havent seen Ellis D. Trails like that since freshman year! breeders "pod" kim deal singing "happiness is a warm gun" and like five songs about pussy(as far as i can tell)? ill take two! fugazi "the argument" why must they refuse to suck? mojave 3 "ask me tomorrow" its official, i've wussed out. i still dont like belle&sebastian though, the fags! speaking of which, ive been meeting random kids from NJ in boston who think im the spawn of satan thanks to some pre-emptive badmouthing from johnny anonymous last year. thanks johnny! here's one more for ya'll: "a slap is a gift, because your cheeks have lost their luster" 11/12/01 HEY! listen to me! im on the stereo! so the EP is "out", which really just means that dan now has 5 big cardboard boxes labeled "NUCLEARDREAMHO" in his basement. the CD design features a green pixillated photo of dan's dad passed out while watching TV in his wifebeater and boxers... quite possibly my favorite part of the EP. well, its alright, i guess. although i think that if i was a senior in HS id probably really like it , which is somewhat comforting; at least "the kids" will dig it, and dammit, kids have money too! if you wanna hear mp3s of the EP versions of the songs, go to www.nucleardreamhouse.com. we've got a new song, and i must say im actually rather happy with it so far. a little dissonant but pretty, more fugazi and less pantera. do you enjoy pain? if you think you might learn to, come to Montclair State University on tuesday, nov 20th. we're opening for Catch 22, penfold, and a mess of other bands... but enough about my band. lets talk about me. ive been suprisingly productive lately, writing lots of shit for school and a few show reviews for BU's Daily Free Press. im starting to see how so many journalists eventually go into writing fiction; you spend all your time in newswriting classes making shit up and trying to make your professor believe that it actually happened. the annoying part about getting things published is you cant blatantly fabricate quotes, events, and people. too long. not funny. end now. 9/24/01 songs mean a lot when songs are bought im back in boston, and the EP is all done. in my absence, the boys have been arranging for the actual pressing of a run of 500 cds (as opposed to CD-Rs), about 300 of which mark will take to his grave. hopefully someone likes this puppy enough to pay us to record again, cause i'll tell ya one thing, i am NOT selling opium to cover recording costs again! alex and dan have been half-assedly working on cover artwork, cd design, undermining everything i stand for, etc, etc. but hey, we got played on college radio today, so at least the loads of money and stacks of pussy will be arriving shortly. till then... nucleardreamhouse.com with new mp3s, oooh, baby. 8/24/01 you guys just ripped off 12 different bands in 4 songs! so the cove show went rather well. the other bands all sucked varying degrees of cock, but it was fun anyway. it doesnt look like there will be any more shows till the fall, except maybe a little shindig at alexs house once we finish the EP. oh yeah. were making a fuckin EP. we recorded all the instruments a few days ago at bigbluemeenie studios in jersey city (details at nucleardreamhouse.com). jeff buckley, faith no more, bouncing souls, RATM, sepultura, misfits, and hundreds of others recorded or mixed there. on monday alex and i are gonna record the vocals, and the whole thing gets mixed thursday. fuckin shit! now that we're actually doing stuff i cant make fun of our incredible laziness, ineptitude, and chemical dependencies anymore. our engineer, jay, is an amazingly knowlegeable indie-punk dude, complete with faded P.I.L. tshirt and hornrims. he was kinda shy at first, but after 8 or so hours of gay jokes and drug references he loosened up and started swearing a little. we also have our own intern; flounder, we call him. a very nice emo boy with his own very nice emo band which you may hear: skyline-drive.com we did about 6 takes of each song and then used the magic of "cheating with technology" to fix little screwups here and there. well, dan and alex did, i just whined about being tired and "sick of listening to this shit." we'll probably put the songs on the net as soon as theyre done... prepare to be moderately rocked. 8/1/00 so the show's tomorrow (thursday). they still havent told me when we go on (set times are scheduled randomly the night of the show as some kind of money-grubbing ploy) so i suggest being there at 7:30. heres directions: Take the Garden State Parkway (north or south depending on your departure point) to EXIT 137. Make a left at the light at the end of the ramp. Go approximately 1.5 miles until you come to a traffic light intersection with a McDonalds on your right. Turn RIGHT at the McDonalds light. The very next light you come to is at a Wendys. Turn LEFT at the Wendys light. The very next light you come to is at a CVS drug store. Turn RIGHT at the CVS light. The Cove is on your right, 110 Chestnut St, next to the Post Office. 7/28/01 i dont play no blues! i play ROCK N ROLL!! well alex got home last week and its been non-stop rock ever since in preparation (H) for the big shew (Cove, thurs, aug 2, 7:30). dan finally put up his website www.nucleardreamhouse.com with cutesy photos and mp3s and such. we are starting to understand the importance of being sober during practices. seems elementary, doesnt it? mark, dan and i have been abstaining from the evil boozejoint, and alex... well, we're all very fond of alex. jon spencer blues explosion last weekend was the best show ive ever seen. ive never seen a more excited human being... sure, he was probably coked out of his mind, but who isnt these days? fuck. 7/8/01 everyone, shake hands with johnny anonymous. im not really at liberty to disclose the identity of the person who just called me and requested to have their name taken off the site, but there's a-gonna be some changes around heah! *spit* 7/4/01 man, i dont know how much longer i can take this rock n' roll lifestyle so alcohol consumption has reached an all-time high and surprise surprise! the fuckin demo still isnt properly mixed (i had to bribe dan with valium just so he'd burn me a copy of it). at this rate, i dont give a fuck and have resorted to recording shitty 30-second WAV files of a rough mix through my laptop just to have something distributable... if you ask me for one, ill send it to ya... ive been squirreling away in my house and secretly writing little song parts on my 4track... i should have 2 new songs by the time alex gets back from venezuela with a rectum full of H. oh yeah, we're called nuclear dreamhouse now (you guessed it folks, we gave up). got ourselves a show too, at the cove in roselle park, on august 2nd. this will be a week after alex comes back, so its some incentive for us to put down the booze bottle and the bong joint and actually practice. more august shows will be announced as(if) we get them... EXCLUSIVE CC NEWS: i went to see johnny anonymous'(instrument withheld by request) and mike's(bass/vox) new band, " 6/18/01 you gotta pay your dues before you pay the rent for purely historical reasons, we decided to document our last practice with alex before he leaves for europe. after nearly 2 hours of dicking around with mic placement and the shiny 8track, we managed to record the live instrument tracks for three of our songs. obviously, we had no idea what we were doing so the whole thing sounds like it was recorded up somebody's rectum. but a nicely-reverbed rectum! after i overdub my shrill screech, this puppy will be mailed to clubs and promoters so we can rock the unwashed masses in august. apparently the kids these days are wild about something called "mp3s", so we'll probably try to exploit that as well. still debating over a new band name... we did, however, unanimously vote to "sell out as quickly as possible." jesus, with all this musical activity, i barely have any room for gay sex jokes or drug references. maybe next week. 6/11/01 r.i.p. camille 5/23/01 aw man, im so glad we're all back together and stuff... are you going to the party after the show? life's so rad... take it easy bro! well it seems ive got myself another livingston rock band. those of you from LHS may remember mark and dan as the abusive pedophile alcoholics from "spode", and alex as the tutu-wearing, clean-and-sober bassist from "tencentlotto". monday night, after about an hour of "pre-practicing" we took a sloooow drive down to the rehearsal studio. real fancy shit for 12 bucks per hour...the crystal-clear vocal monitors reminded me that i should probably learn to sing ON key. the kids ran through 3 of their old songs while i tried to decide which russian folk melody i wanted to "borrow" for them. the result somehow sounded like emo alice in chains... slightly alarmed, i decided to strap on my geetawr and add some dissonant indie-schlock to the mix. this resulted in an improvised song between my punky noise crap and their emo metal sludge that actually sounded halfway interesting. then we gave up and played "el scorcho." it was a long night of musical reflection, self-discovery, and messy male-bonding rituals. our goal is to have an EP done by the end of the summer.. or at least a boombox tape of us on acid. in other, CC-related news, mike, straight off his refreshing yet none the less disturbing jeff buckley infatuation, is now playing bass in johnny anonymous' band. oh the incest in this town! 4/15/01 r.i.p. joey for previous news/updates, see the link further down the page send flowers/cards to malinsky@bu.edu OR email mike at heyspare79@aol.com if you want some cheap sex. |
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