1. Clean the glass portion of frame with hot water and white vinegar. Important: Do not get any fingerprints on areas to be etched.
2. From a piece of paper, cut the desired mat size and divide the sides into equal sections. Place this paper under the glass and use 1/4-inch-wide masking tape to tape diagonal lines in each section.
3. Draw heart patterns onto the Con-Tact paper and cut out using a crafts knife, or use heart stickers. Peel the backing from the Con-Tact paper or stickers and center the hearts as desired in taped-off areas on the glass. Some of the edges might need to be clipped to enable the Con-Tact paper to lie flat. Burnish (rub down) all of the edges of the Con-Tact paper with a spoon, avoiding putting fingerprints on the glass.
4. Add dots around the hearts in the outside corners with the
paint pen. Allow to thoroughly dry before etching.
5. Wearing rubber gloves, paint etching cream over tape and Con-Tact paper according to manufacturer's instructions. Leave on for about 5 minutes.
6. Rinse the glass thoroughly and remove the tape, paint, and Con-Tact paper. Center the card or message on colored paper or sheet of foam. Assemble the frame.
Copyright © 2001-, Terry Muse Revised: April 2, 2002 URL: http://crafts_and_kids.tripod.com/ http://geocities.com/mounthollynj http://seaside_park_nj.tripod.com http://westlake_village_md.tripod.com Contact: Terry J. Muse |