Trivia 7 Answers

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  1. Who did the U.S. Supreme Court release in 1966 because he hadn't been told of his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination?
    Ernesto Miranda
  2. What kind of boom was first heard on October 14, 1947?
    A sonic boom
  3. Bob Dylan is best known for what?
    Writing songs
  4. Who does Bert of Sesame Street live with?
  5. What former President returned to his hometown of Independence, MO after leaving office?
    Harry S. Truman
  6. Zachary Taylor belonged to what political party that is now defunct?
    The Whig party
  7. Kansas calls itself what?
    The Sunflower State
  8. While Florida claims to be?
    The Sunshine State
  9. John Chapman of the 1800s was better known as?
    Johnny Appleseed
  10. P.T. Barnum's first name was?
  11. What is a descent from royalty or nobility called?
    Blue blood
  12. Who was vice president under President Warren G. Harding?
    Calvin Coolidge
  13. What sport was Rocky Blier famous in?
  14. Kentucky's state song is what?
    My Old Kentucky Home
  15. What was Buffalo Bill's real name?
    William F. Cody
  16. What are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet?
    Alpha, beta, gamma
  17. What is the largest species of doves?
  18. Slew O'Gold was a famous what of 1980s?
    A racehorse
  19. Who sang the theme song of the movie, "A Star Is Born"?
    Barbra Streisand
  20. In Greek antiquity, the twelve gods lived where?
    Mt. Olympus
  21. What president appears on the $500.00 bill?
  22. What was George Washington's first elected office?
    He was President of the United States
  23. What is the most abundant mineral in the body?
  24. Which U.S. President served for only 31 days?
    William Henry Harrison
  25. What art form is Ansel Adams most famous for?
Copyright © 2001-, Terry Muse
Revised: April 2, 2002
Contact: Terry J. Muse