"Hello, little one. Have I got a deal for you! I personally engineered this car to be of the highest standards in 8-bit motor technology. Truly, it is a steal at a mere 25,000 dollars. You may have seen me cruising around town in it lately. I've been crackin' down on some guys who owe me money.....I hate rich fat cats who say they'll donate money to your research and then have their secretary call you a day later with some made up excuse. Well, I'm not taking it anymore! No way. I'm taking a stand for every smart kid and nerd there ever was. We'll see who the bully is after I lay the smackdown on their candy asses! Now if I only had some arms with which to do it with! Damn my scientific curiosity! Why couldn't I just have left that explosive chemical alone? Stupid, stupid!.....Oh....my, my. Was I rambling again? Forget everything you just heard me say, kid. Do you wanna buy the car or not?"


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