Stay beautiful, baby

Wondering what to wear in the months ahead, or maybe just tonight? Alice Marwick takes your hand and shows you the way

How would you rather spend your millennium eve: hunkered down in Montana eating spam and drinking chlorine-sterilized water out of tin cans or wearing a dope ass outfit? Yeah, I thought so. And who better to discuss the ins and outs of style during this last hectic year of the 20th century than yours truly, avid window shopper and greedy consumer of dumb glossy magazines. Take notes baby, I've got your best interests at heart.

Let's start with some fashion don'ts. I'll let Joanna tell it:

"The worst current fashion trend in my opinion is actually one that hasn't happened yet but is supposed to.

"Apparently one of the big things for '99 is going to be these little hip bags that are much chic-er and sleeker than hip packs. I see bad things for this fashion trend. For one it is probably not going to look very good on most women seeing as how we actually have a butt and waist and hips and the models tend not to, therefore things do not drape and hang as well on us.

"This of course will not stop MANY women from victimizing themselves with these things. They will also become way TOO popular and they will be everywhere and we will all be SICK of seeing them, let alone wearing them."

I myself see a huge resurgence in pink, which is already happening, Thank you, this is the second time I have accurately predicted a color revival starting with baby blue in the spring of '96, which

Johnny Cash - black
is never uncool


Hepburn style

NOBODY BELIEVED ME UNTIL IT HAPPENED by which time I already owned a host of baby blue clothes including plaid golf pants and alligator shirts. hrmph.