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Tare Panda is currently the most famous cartoon character in Japan. Tare Panda is his Japanese name. In Taiwan and Hong Kong he is also known as "Pa-pa Panda" or "Lazy Panda".
Tare Panda is 3-5cm tall, but sometimes we can also be seen much larger. Being the lazy Panda that he is Tare Panda doesn't get around using his feet. Instead, he prefers to roll from here to there. Being soft and springy this cute little Panda can roll at a speed of 2.75m/hr. Of course, when Tare Panda is on a mission to find and steal his favorite fruit, Swama, he is willing to do anything no matter how lazy or tired he feels.

If Tare Panda likes you he will perform a gymnastic exhibition in which the tumblers form a human tree or pyramid. But if he doesn't like you at all he will show you his hunchback.

Created in 1995, Tarepanda often showed up on stationary products. Then he could be found on almost any product that was used on a daily basis. The sketch style of the Panda is novel and makes people feel kind and happy. This is the reason Tare Panda has swooped through Japan with such a strong wind.
In 1999 Tare Panda finally became a super cartoon star. Japan's Seda magazine elected Tare panda as the most popular playing toy of the year.

In Japan, people love to buy Tare Panda dolls of all sizes for their personal collection. There were competitions to create the tallest free standing Tare Panda ornament. The record stands at 9.5 units. Not bad for such a lazy Panda!

People who were there for this momentous occasion claimed that it was as tall as a human adult.
Tare Panda comes in many designs. Some only roll while others were designed to skip over the belly of others.




Cat in needlepoint; Actual size=180 pixels wide

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