Prior to submitting your site for approval, webmasters must comply with the following requirements..
1. My web pages contain Sailing, Classic Yacht or Nautical Related Materials.
2. My web pages do not contain pornograophic material, banners or links to same.
3. My web pages do not contain information or materials generally considered offensive, racist or profane.
4. My web pages do not contain information, links or banners promoting illegal activities or software pirating. 5. I agree to display the offical CYS SiteRing Logo Banner on my webpage.
Submission of the application form does not guarantee acceptance to the CYS SiteRing. The Ringmaster has the absolute right to reject any application or remove any member site that in his opinion does not meet or continue to comply with the above stated requirements. Your website will be reviewed for compliance. If you are unable or unwilling to comply with the above rules then do not bother submitting your application. The CYS WebRing is Copyright © 1999,2000 Robert Crawford. The CYS Logo contains a painting by Kerry Hallam. Artwork Copyright © Kerry Hallam and Chalk & Vermilion Fine Arts. All Rights Reserved.
© Robert Crawford 1999, 2000