Okay This is My Friend Chicken's conversation w/ herself...wanna see it?? its halarious. Im kinda in it..my name is Randie

OnlineHost: *** You are in "chickens". ***
Shnindream: okay, had to leave that chat cause people were coming in
Shnindream: now I'm in chickens
Shnindream: cause there were like, 6 people in chicken
Shnindream: haha, they must LOVE me
Shnindream: giggle giggle tickle my pickle
Shnindream: i giggle when you tickle my pickle
Shnindream: isn't that horrible? That was a commercial on M2
Shnindream: I think that my friends are going to be joining us now
Shnindream: SPUNKY:
Shnindream: HEY!
Shnindream: ahh!
Shnindream: that was scerwey
Shnindream: ahhh screw the spelling
Shnindream: spunky: hey everybody!
Shnindream: dookie: hi!
Shnindream: flambungant: I'm a hamburger
Shnindream: spunky: no your not!
Shnindream: flambungant: yes I am!
Shnindream: dookie: do be do be doooo
Shnindream: spunky and flambungant: shut up!
Shnindream: me: shut up EVERYBODY! Your not even real!
Shnindream: flambungant: oh yeah
Shnindream: spunky: seeeee
Shnindream: flambungant: well you weren't right either!
Shnindream: flambungant: well... I was tooo! I'm ALWAYS right, aren't I me?
Shnindream: me: yes you are
Shnindream: oh my gosh! i meant for spunky to say that
Shnindream: spunky: yeah! stop messin' with the people's minds who are reading this!
Shnindream: me: dookie, are you okay?
Shnindream: dookie: yes why are you asking?
Shnindream: me: because your not talking
Shnindream: dookie: STOP YELLING AT ME! ! ! < flee's the room crying >
Shnindream: me: woops
Shnindream: spunky: Look what you made me do flambungant!
Shnindream: flambungant: I didn't make me do it! She did it all on her own! She's a big girl
Shnindream: me: yeah! I did it by myself! I'm proud :)
Shnindream: spunky: well, if she did it by herself then it's your fault
Shnindream: me: yeah!
Shnindream: spunky: yeah!
Shnindream: flambungant: yeah!
Shnindream: flambungant: no fair! y... y... you tricked me!
Shnindream: flambungant: and gave me a st-st-st-stutter!
Shnindream: spunky: haha! your spunkerifis!
Shnindream: me: you guys suck
Shnindream: flambungant: e-e-e-e-ewwwww
Shnindream: me: you guys really suck... and have sick little ol' minds
Shnindream: flambungant: y-y-yes we do-o-o-o-
Shnindream: spunky: oh shut up! You know that stutters fake just to make me feel sorry for you
Shnindream: flambungant: how'd you know?
Shnindream: me: randie says HIDY HO!
Shnindream: dookie:
Shnindream: ahh!
Shnindream: he forgot to talk
Shnindream: dookie: hey I'm back!
Shnindream: dookie: i took a nap
Shnindream: dookie: I think alice is weird on the phone
Shnindream: chris: I LOVE ALICE!
Shnindream: dookie: and she's a freak
Shnindream: me: yeah me too
Shnindream: flambungant: well, I still think I'm a hamburger Shnindream: spunky: um... i think.. that ... I'm a purple turtle, but that doesn't mean i'm cool
Shnindream: dookie: what?
Shnindream: me: what?
Shnindream: flambungant: what?
Shnindream: spunky: youheard me!
Shnindream: me: okaay
Shnindream: randie: jellicle cats are queens of the night at astronomical heights
Shnindream: randie: handling pieces from the messsiah hellelujah jellicle choir
Shnindream: me: randie's a CAT!
Shnindream: spunky: so am i!
Shnindream: dookie: < whispers > I thought you were a purple turtle
Shnindream: spunky: no, what made you come up with something like that?
Shnindream: flambungant: I'm CAPTAIN CONFUSED!
Shnindream: me: okay this is getting bad
Shnindream: spunky: you guys are wacko
Shnindream: randie: I THINK I'VE JUST BEEN MURDERED!
Shnindream: randie: OW
Shnindream: randie: OW
Shnindream: randie: OWWWEY!
Shnindream: me: how did you just get murdered?
Shnindream: randie: I HIT MY KNEEEE!
Shnindream: dookie: eek! I know CPR!
Shnindream: spunky: GO FOR IT!
Shnindream: randie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ! ! !
Shnindream: me: i think we should stop this RIGHT NOW
Shnindream: :) have a nice day everybody!
Shnindream: JC: I LOVE DAWN AND DAWN LOVES ME! ! ! :)

LoL..see shes cool huh?? LoL Wanna go back now?