Tony Slattery Quotes
If you like Whose Line Is It Anyway, you are in the right place. Tony Slattery if one of the regular contestants on the British version of Whose Line Is It Anyway hosted by Clive Anderson. Here are some halarious quotes from him...

"I've split my pants!!!!!! Look!!!!!!" (During a round of "Film Trailer, Tony had the misfortune of splitting his pants.)

"Where's the crew? I don't know. It's a mystery!" (In a round of Film and Theatre styles, the style of Medieval Mystery Play was suggested, and this was Tony's interpretation of the genre.)

(In a camp, perky voice) "Come on, everyone, don't get depressed because we're 8,000 feet under! (Sings) "We're in the long big metal pointy thing...we're going down the river..." (World's worst person to captain a submarine.)

"Queer... I am... Nevermind..." (Alphabet, a chat up with Sandi Toskvig.)

"I haven't been to the bathroom in 4 months!" (World's Worst person to be trapped on a desert island with.)

"No! Jeremy Beadle. Jump! (PBHLT noise) HA!" (A round of props... Tony was pretending to rescue Jeremy Beadle from a burning building, then whipped the trampoline away.)

"Ooh, I'm terribly nervous. I've never held a come as Michael Jackson party before!" (Grabs crotch and makes Michael Jackson noises, then turns and stares at Clive.)

"This Party's crap!" (After guessing his first guest right away.)

"I'm sorry I've been so long, I was having my bikini line waxed!!!" (Superheroes)

"I'll try to cool it down, then...(loud breaking wind noise) No! That's just made it worse!" (As flatulence man trying to solve the problem of Global Warming)
"Carry on then... Baah. (sheep noise) quiet!" (The world's worst person to take confession)

"WELL F**K OFF THEN!!!!" (To Clive, after a particularly challenging round of Party Quirks)

"Alright, I'm not a natural brunette!" (In props, holding a piece of white fun-fur over his crotch)

"I'm going to murder you, simply because you're Father Smurf" (To Jim, whose holding the same piece of fun-fur as if it were a beard in Props)

"Hello, and welcome to the not terribly convincing torture chamber...GET DOWN!!!!!" (Whipping Jim with that piece of fun fur)

"Hello, here's the engine!" (Scenes from a hat...Worrying things to be given on a plane)

"Working very carefully over a period of years, Patricia the Tiger is now perfectly tame. (ROAR) AUGH! (holds up missing hand)(World's Worst clip from a nature documentary.)

"One of the best things you can do, of course, to these charming chihuahuas is to set fire to them." (World's Worst clip from a nature documentary.)

"Oh, shut your face!" (Tony to Clive, after Clive teases Tony for stopping playing after Rory comes to the party as Tony)

"I love my fluffy donkey, I like to call him Clive, I dress him up in panties, he's the best animal alive! I like to dress him up in, lots of frilly clothes, then the two of us begin to star in certain (camp) videos!" (Donkey Riding Hoedown.)

And this is the funniest thing Tony has done in my opinion:
He won, and had to read the credits in the style of a drunken Australian soap star. He walked down to the stage, passed out, and when the credits were almost over, he started to get up but passed out again.

If you have any other quotes you like from Whose Line Is It Anyway or Tony Slattery then e-mail me.