Celia Strother

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minrose3.gif (1206 bytes)  About You

Name: Celia Strother

Age: 40

Location: Detroit, Michigan

Occupation: Telecommunications Sales Rep (what else do you do when you have a big mouth?)

Extra Information: I *love* theatre, dogs, and other social events.  I'm a very involved sort of person; I hate to sleep and I volunteer for everything!  I'm the president of the Birmingham chapter of BNI, the
secretary of local Kiwanis club, and more, but I really wish I was talented enough to perform in community theatre.  Alas, I would be pelted with cabbage if I should set foot on the stage!

minrose3.gif (1206 bytes)  Personal

Pets: Whiskers, Missy, Moon and Peanut

Hobbies: Singing (badly), dancing (even worse!), musicals, opera, silent movies, and classic stories such as Wuthering Heights

Favourite Quotes: "Christine...I love you."

Favourite Book: Son of the Sheik (really racy for its day!)

Favourite Author: Charlotte and Emily Bronte

Favourite Singer/Band: Sarah McLaughlin/Kid Rock

Favourite Album: Guns 'n Roses, Appetite for Destruction/Evita and POTO Soundtracks