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minrose3.gif (1206 bytes) About You

  1. Name: Elaine Brennan

  2. Age: 19

  3. Location: Cardiff, UK

  4. Occupation: Front Of House

  5. Homepage: Wandering Child's Homepage , Sweet Music's Throne , Angel Or Phantom Mailing List Site

minrose3.gif (1206 bytes) Personal

  1. Pets?Judy my dog, Beanie my cat, Spooky my rabbit and A skink called Percy plus two Anoles named Edmund and Walnut

  2. Hobbies? Singing, Piano, reading ,writing (occasionaly) the net, chatting, annoying Lynsey, theatre, music and I guess web design since I seem to do so flaming much of it!

  3. Favourite Quotes?  'We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars' - Oscar Wilde .

    'And when he shall die take him and cut him out in little stars and he will make the face of heaven so fine all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun' - Shakespeare

  4. Favourite Books? 'The Picture Of Dorian Grey' ,'The Great Gatsby' , 'Rebecca' and 'Tess Of The Duberville's'

  5. Favourite Author? Oscar Wilde, F Scott Fitzgerald

  6. Favorutie Singer/Band? Hmmm tough one! Divine Comedy

  7. Favourite Album? At the moment the Jekyll & Hyde Complete Work


minrose3.gif (1206 bytes) The Show

  1. Have you seen the show? No unfortunately!  it is yet to come to the UK!

  2. Which recording do you prefer? The Complete Work definitely.

  3. Favourite song? A Dangerous Game quickly followed by Alive.

  4. Favourite Character? Hyde, he has all the best lines ;-)

  5. Favourite Line From the Show? 'I need to know! Why man plaus this strange double game! His hand alsways close to the flame! It's a deal with the devil he can not disclaim! But whats his aim? I need to know!'

  6. Worst song from the show?  I'd say 'Letting Go' it really doesn't serve much purpose, maybe because I don't really care about Lisa!