About me

Condensed Version

Name:  Danielle Faye Schumacher
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10" approximately
Weight: In the middle of the Healthy range for my BMI, if you care you'll work for it
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Below chin length straight. Black, yeah it's dyed.
All other physical traits are not your business.
Place of Residence: Phoenix, Az
Occupation: Library Page (i.e. Hired Grunt), Aspiring Graphic Novelist


Author: Robin McKinley
Books: Hero and the Crown (Robin McKinley), Catch 22 (Joeseph Heller), Till we Have Faces (C.S. Lewis)
Color: Blue
Food: Spaghetti, Chinese food, pizza
Pastimes: Reading, Computers, sleeping, napping, resting, being lazy
Indoor Sport: None
Summer Sport: None
Water Sport: None
Winter Sport: GO AWAY
Season: Late Spring
Movie: The Mummy. MST3k The Movie
Anime: Lain rocks my world.
Actor/actress: None, but I end up watching lots of Robin Williams films
Musicians: Billy Joel, Eve 6, Five Iron Frenzy, Fastball, Kosmos Express
Music style: Classic/soft rock, I also like Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals.
(as in Phantom of the Opera, Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats)
Pets: We have some micies. We're getting a cat :)
Collection: Unicorn Things
Class: Geology
Cartoon: Powerpuff Girls!

I Also Like

Ice cream
Cereal...especially Lucky Charms and Crispix.
Warm weather
Pretty rocks
Sega Saturn
Might and Magic 3,4, and 5, and the Heroes series
Going for walks by myself
Walking at night when it's not cold
Grilled cheese sandwiches
Tater Tots
Pepsi, and sometimes Mountain Dew
Magic Girl carto...uhh...animes. Well it's cute!
Mister Stuffie the best stuffed animal ever
Being able to eat, I'm hungry now as a matter of fact.
Portable cd players kick!
Dave Barry
David Letterman
Paul Schaffer is da bomb.
Sega Dreamcast!
DVDs, mmm....special features
Mt. Dew CODE RED mmm...caffeinated fizzy cherry citrus goodness
Blue Pepsi! BLUE PEPSI!! Did I mention it's BLUE!!! Yay!

I Dislike

Being Sick
Stupid Girl Bands that sound alike.
Bands like N Sync and those other dopey boys.
Leonardo Dicaprio
Enviromental nonsense people who think plants aren't alive but animals need to be protected more than anything.
Long Hair (on myself)
Fish (as food)
Preppy People
People really into sports who try and make me like sports
The color Red
The color Green
Having to wear any color besides blue, black, white, and gray.
Bill Gates
"Hanging Out"
People who think I should know my measurements by heart when I don't sew.
People who give me thier measurements. Both male and female.
People who try to cheer me up when they don't know me.
People who think that music is a hobby worthy of hours of discussion and worth being upset about.
People who think I have a bad attitude after they insult me and something I feel strongly about.
People who think I have a bad attitude when they don't think I feel strongly enough about something silly like that guy who sings La vita loca.
Cashews, they scare me.
Getting too hyper
Anything with Aspartame, that molocule is really ugly
That stupid Pokemon rat.
People who call Sailor Moon stupid and like Pokemon...where's the logic there? Pokemon is even more childish and annoying.
People who absolutely refuse to make sense.
"We are experiencing some turbulence please remain in your seats" right before you were about to get up for the bathroom.
People sitting in my stupid seat on the stupid plane.
LAX and LAS airports.
LAS much more though. (by the way that is Las vegas airport ninnies)
Spoiled rich silicone enhanced Californians who whine about not getting what they want.
"Dude! You have, like, just the cutest little accent!" "Oh yeah totally!"
The Crappy Ending to Shenmue
Might and Magic 6 sucked

Believe me this is condensed.