Paul Shotan keyboards

        I've always been fascinated by music and musical instruments from the early days as a youngster trying to figure out simple melodies on battered old upright pianos, and a red plastic Beatles guitar (how much would that be worth now....a lot more than the real guitars my mates had!)
        I was so desperate to learn how to play, from books, watching others, and just being a pain in the arse asking endless questions! Eventually I got to play guitar in a blues and ragtime duo...onstage for the first time. I shook like a strung-out junky, but was immediately and incurably hooked on the adrenalin rush of performing from that point on. Over the years I moved on, dropped the guitar and turned more to keyboards, playing in a variety of never to be known bands.

        Now, as I approach my dotage and should know better at my age, I am privileged to be playing some of the coolest music on the planet, to some of the most knowledgeable and appreciative audiences around. This is the musical pinnacle for me and I doubt very much that anything could ever come close to giving me the same pride, thrill and sense of achievement that I get from performing the music of Becker & Fagen with The DSO today.      

  "I first heard The Danny Steel Orchestra as they rehearsed at Rich Bitch Studios, Birmingham, UK in November 1998. I was stunned by what I heard! I couldn't believe a live band was creating such an incredible sound and I had to stick my head round the door to check it wasn't a CD! It wasn' was the original DSO lineup in full swing.......I was suitably stunned"

        The band was going through a crisis (nothing changes does it?) and sadly for them (bloody lucky for me!) there was a vacancy on keyboards. Through my brother-in-law-ish Eddie Moohan, (bass with The DSO at that time) I was introduced to the band, sat in on a few keyboard parts and, miraculously, was invited to become the latest recruit!

I still can't quite believe my good luck in being in the right place at the right time for once!
It was (and still is) a steep learning curve to get to grips with this complex material, to tease out the structure of those crazy chord extensions and learn to expect the unexpected in the writing of Becker & Fagen. It's hard work but worth every hour spent hunched listening over the CD player and tape deck. The buzz I get as we start off another show never diminishes.
As if that wasn't enough there's been the added pleasure of meeting so many good folks out there either at shows or else through correspondence with us at this website. There are too many to name, from so many parts of the world but you know who you thanks to you all for your support and friendship!

Paul Shotan

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